Want to start speaking English? And sharpen your listening so you understand every English word and phrase? The Newest Way to Learn English. You can do just that with the Daily Dose with Alexa on Amazon Echo. If you own an Amazon Echo, download the skill and start learning English with free daily lessons.
First, what’s Alexa? Alexa is Amazon’s cloud-based voice service. You can talk to Amazon Alexa on your device. With Alexa, you can ask her to play music, hear the news, check weather, control smart home devices, and yes, you can even learn a language. Since Alexa is all about talking and listening, you can start listening to English words, phrases and conversations. You can hear the rhythm and native pronunciation of the language, which is something textbooks cannot offer. You can listen as our teachers translate and explain every word. This is where you start understanding English. You can also practice speaking English by repeating what you hear.
To start, just say, “Alexa, open Daily Dose.“ Alexa then will ask you how you want to learn. Choose from 1 of 2 ways:
Learn a new word in just a minute with the “Word of the Day.”
Learn and start speaking with our professional 10-20 minute “Lesson of the Day.”
You get access to 100s of fun audio and video lessons by real teachers and start speaking minutes into your first lesson. You also get all of these free learning tools for LIFE:
New audio and video lessons every week. 3-5 new, free lessons a week.
The first 3 lessons of every single series. 100+ lessons in total.
New Daily Dose of Language lessons. A new free lesson every day.
Word of the Day lessons. A new free lesson every day.
Throwback Thursday lessons. A free random lesson every Thursday.
The Innovative Language 101 App for Android, iPhone and iPad.
The 100 Most Common Words List to get a head-start on learning vocabulary.
Vocabulary and phrase lists for topics, themes and holidays.