Top 100+ Verbs in U.S. English: Ultimate Verb List & Guide


What is a verb, and why is it important to focus on learning them? 

As for the most basic verb definition, verbs are commonly referred to as “action words,” because they’re words that name an action (though they sometimes refer to a state of being). Without verbs, people wouldn’t be able to talk about anything worthwhile or exciting. We use verbs all the time: While talking about our day, explaining directions or instructions, telling friends a story…and they’re used in both speech and writing.

So, what are the most common English verbs?

In this article, I’ll be going over the 100+ most common verbs in the English language. These are verbs that you can start using and practicing today, and that you’ll find yourself coming back to more times than you can count

Before we get started on English language verbs, though, you may find the following articles useful:

Without further ado, here’s our list of all the verbs you need to know! 🙂

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  1. Verb Usage: How to Use English Verbs
  2. Top 100+ Verbs List
  3. How EnglishClass101 Can Help You Master the English Language

1. Verb Usage: How to Use English Verbs

Top Verbs

There are three main components of verb usage to keep in mind before moving on to our list: 

  • Conjugation
  • Agreement
  • Basic sentence patterns

I’ll go into the basics of each one below.

1- Conjugation

Verb conjugation is how a verb’s tense is changed. You conjugate a verb by adding one of the following suffixes to the root verb:

  • -s (or -es)

Adding the suffix -s to a verb changes it to the third person singular present form. For verbs that end with a sibilant sound and don’t have a silent “e,” use -es instead.

Win -> Wins

Box -> Boxes

Hike -> Hikes

This form means that a singular third party (he, she, or it) is currently doing something:

He wins again.

She boxes like a professional.

The dog hikes with its owner.

  • -ing

Adding the suffix -ing to a verb changes it to the present participle form, which is also known as a gerund. For most verbs, you can simply add the suffix without making other changes: Peek -> Peeking.

But there are a few exceptions: 

  • If the verb ends in a silent “e,” you omit it before adding the -ing

Waste -> Wast -> Wasting.

  • If the verb ends in an “ie,” you replace it with the letter “y” before adding the -ing

Tie -> Ty -> Tying.

  • As for double consonants, rules vary: 1) If one vowel is followed by one consonant at the end of the word, that consonant is doubled. 2) If the verb ends in a “c”, you need to add a “k” after it, and then add the -ing:

1) War -> Warr -> Warring.

2) Mimic -> Mimick -> Mimicking.

  • -ed 

Adding the suffix -ed to a verb changes it to the past tense form. This means that the action happened in the past and is no longer happening.

  • Keep in mind that if the verb already ends with an “e,” you only need to put the -d after it: 

Wave -> Waved.

  • If the verb instead ends with a consonant directly followed by a “y,” you need to change the “y” to an “ie” before adding the -d:

Apply -> Applie ->Applied.

  • As for double consonants, rules vary, but these are fairly typical rules: 1) If one vowel is followed by one consonant at the end of the word, the consonant is doubled. 2) If the verb ends in a “c,” you need to add a “k” after it, and then the -ed. Keep in mind that there are exceptions to these rules, and the rules in U.S. English are different than those in British English.

1) Tap -> Tapp -> Tapped

2) Mimic -> Mimick -> Mimicked

There are also irregular ways to change the form of certain verbs. As English irregular verbs are a complicated topic with many variations, I won’t go into detail about them here. But whenever an irregular verb appears on our list of verb examples, I’ll make a note of it for you. 

2- Subject-Verb Agreement

Now that you have a general idea of how to change the tense of verbs, let’s look at how they need to work in a sentence. Namely, the concept of subject-verb agreement.

According to the rule of subject-verb agreement, the subject and verb must agree in terms of number. This means that if a singular subject is performing an action, then the verb must also be singular. And if a plural subject is performing an action, then the verb must also be plural

Here are some examples:

VerbSingular SentencePlural Sentence

*Note that the Past Tense of this verb isn’t “sleeped,” but slept. This is an irregular verb conjugation.
The man sleeps.
The man is sleeping.
The man slept.
The men sleep.
The men are sleeping.
The men slept.
The child plays.
The child is playing.
The child played.
The children play.
The children are playing.
The children played.
The woman arrives.
The woman is arriving.
The woman arrived.
The women arrive.
The women are arriving.
The women arrived.

As you can see from the verb examples above, there are different ways of changing the verb to match the subject in number.

  • For the base verb: If the subject is singular, the verb is made singular by adding an -s. If the subject is plural, the verb doesn’t change as it already matches the number.
  • For the Present Participle: The -ing verb itself remains the same for both singular and plural subjects, but a “be” verb is put directly in front of it. The appropriate “be” verb for the singular subject is is, and the appropriate “be” verb for the plural subject is are.
  • For the Past Tense: Guess what? There’s no change at all here, as the -ed verb already matches both the singular and plural subject in number! 🙂

3- Basic Sentence Patterns + Examples

Every sentence in English requires a subject (S) and a verb (V). Most sentences follow the S + V pattern. Keep in mind that the verbs in this sentence pattern are intransitive, meaning that the actions don’t require an object to be a complete sentence.

I walk

He talked.

She listens.

For more complex sentences, there’s also the sentence structure S + V + O, where O is the object to which or at which the action is being done. The verbs in this sentence structure are typically (but not always) transitive, meaning that an object is required to make the sentence complete. 

I walked toward the bank.

He is talking to his teacher.

She looked at the ocean.

Further, a verb’s placement in a sentence can vary based on what type of sentence it is. 

For instance, in an imperative sentence (a sentence that gives a command), the verb will most likely be at the beginning of the sentence: Bring me that mug. 

There are also instances where the verb can be at the end of the sentence, though this isn’t very common: What to give?

2. Top 100+ Verbs List

More Essential Verbs

We’ve compiled the best English verbs for beginners to learn, and divided them into easy-to-understand categories for you. These are English verbs used in daily life that you’ll hear over and over again. You really need to know these! 

1- English Action Verbs List

Action verbs are the most common type of verb. These are verbs that describe a specific action, and there are two categories: Physical and Mental/Abstract. 

Physical action verbs are things that you do outwardly with your body. Verbs that are mental/abstract typically refer to feelings, thoughts, or other types of doing or being that aren’t expressed through a specific bodily action. 

Physical Verbs List

VerbMeaningExample SentenceAdditional NotesIrregular?
1 Tell 

(Tells; Telling; Told)
To let someone know something, usually verbally.I want to tell you something.At some point, you may be asked the question “Can you tell?”

People ask this when they aren’t sure about something, and are checking to see if you’re sure about it. 

For example, a coworker asks your friend to do something. Your friend later turns to you and says “I didn’t hear what she said. Could you tell?”

You should know what they mean based on the context.

Note that the Past Tense form is “told,” NOT “telled.”
2 Ask

(Asks; Asking; Asked)
To inquire about something.I want to ask you a question.
3 Listen

(Listens; Listening; Listened)
3 Listen

(Listens; Listening; Listened)
To hear and understand what someone is saying.

To hear any noise.
4 Yell

(Yells; Yelling; Yelled)
To make a loud verbal noise, either with words or without.Don’t yell in the house.
5 Greet

(Greets; Greeting; Greeted)
To interact with someone upon meeting them.Joe didn’t know how to greet strangers.
6 Wave

(Waves; Waving; Waved)
To move your hand back and forth, either in greeting or to motion someone forward.Why didn’t you wave at me in the store?This isn’t to be confused with the noun “wave,” which refers to the ocean’s tides.
7 Move

(Moves; Moving; Moved)
To make any type of motion.

To relocate your place of residency.
Don’t move! 

Jill will move to Oregon in October.
8 Go

(Goes; Going; Gone; Went)
To leave your current place or position.Why do you have to go to work?

Note that there are two past tenses for this word: the irregular “gone,” and the modern past tense “went.”
9 Stay

(Stays; Staying; Stayed)
To remain where you are.I don’t want to stay in this apartment forever.
10 Wait

(Waits; Waiting; Waited)
To anticipate something that will happen, and stay around for it.

To serve someone.
I don’t think I can wait for my date any longer.

I can’t wait on you your whole life!
Don’t Keep Your Date Waiting
VerbMeaningExample SentenceAdditional NotesIrregular?
11 Give

(Gives; Giving; Gave)
To offer or provide something to someone else.Can you give me more time to finish the assignment?
Can you give me more time to finish the assignment?
12 Take

(Takes; Taking; Took)
To claim something as your own by reaching for it, or otherwise gaining it.Don’t you dare take the last cookie!

Take your time on the test.
In the second sentence, the word take is used a little bit differently. 

The phrase “take your time,” means not to hurry or go too fast when doing something. It’s sort of like “claiming” that time to use at your own pace.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “took,” NOT “taked.”
13 Put

(Puts; Putting; Put)
To place something in a certain spot.Put down your pencils.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is simply “put,” NOT “putted.”
14 Bring

(Brings; Bringing; Brought)
14 Bring

(Brings; Bringing; Brought)
Will you bring me my book please?

What can you bring to this project?
In the first sentence, Adam is asking someone to give him an item that is out of his reach.

In the second sentence, the interviewer is asking what quality the job candidate can give to the project.

Both words have the same meaning, but are used in different contexts.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is  “brought, ” NOT  “bringed.”
15 Get

(Gets; Getting; Got)
To retrieve or attain something.I hope you get the job.

Did you get that?
There may be times when someone asks you the question “Do you get it?”

This is usually a way of asking if you understand something, not if you actually attained an item.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “got,” NOT “getted,”
16 Make

(Makes; Making; Made)
To create or prepare something.Can you make dinner tonight?

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “made,” NOT maked.”
17 Look

(Looks; Looking; Looked)
To see something, or turn to see something.Look what I can do!
18 Watch

(Watches; Watching; Watched)
To observe something visually.What shows do you like to watch on TV?This is not to be confused with the noun “watch,” which refers to the time-telling device worn on the wrist.
19 Sit

(Sits; Sitting; Sat)
To take a seat with your back straight and feet on the ground.Sit up straight in your chair.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “sat,” NOT “sitted.”
20 Stand

(Stands; Standing; Stood)
To be on your feet, supporting yourself vertically.I need to stand up and walk around for a few minutes.This is not to be confused with the noun “stand,” which refers to a vertical object used for holding something.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “stood,” NOT “standed.”
21 Walk

(Walks; Walking; Walked)
To travel by foot at a slow pace.Will you walk with me?This is not to be confused with the noun “walk,” which refers to a walkway or path. 

You may also hear someone say that they’re “going on a walk,” which just means that they’re going to walk for exercise.
22 Run

(Runs; Running; Ran)
To travel by foot at a fast pace.I’m tired; I can’t run any longer.You may hear someone say that they’re “going on a run,” which just means that they’re going to run for exercise.

Note that the Past Tense for this verb is “ran,” NOT “runned.”
23 Lift

(Lifts; Lifting; Lifted)
To pick up something (usually heavy), especially from the ground.Can you help me lift this box?This is not to be confused with the noun “lift,” which refers to something (usually a machine) that lifts.
Man Lifting Weights
VerbMeaningExample SentenceAdditional NotesAdditional Notes
24 Play

(Plays; Playing;
To enjoy oneself through activities.How about we play a game?This is not to be confused with the noun “play,” which refers to a type of stage performance.
25 Stop

(Stops; Stopping; Stopped)
To end or cease an action or activity.Just stop bothering me already!
26 Rest

(Rests; Resting; Rested)
To take some time to stop an activity in order to regain energy.I’m so tired. I need to rest.You may hear someone say “Give it a rest!” This means that whatever you’re doing or saying is making them upset, and you should stop.
27 Sleep

(Sleeps; Sleeping; Slept)
To lose waking consciousness and slumber.You need to sleep before it gets too late.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “slept,” NOT “sleeped.”
28 Try

(Tries; Trying; Tried)
To attempt to do something.You won’t succeed if you don’t try.
29 Work

(Works; Working; Worked)
To do some type of labor or perform some task.I appreciate that you work so hard.This word is also used as a noun. For instance, someone may say “I’m going to work,” which means they’re going to their place of employment.
30 Study

(Studies; Studying; Studied)
To make an effort toward learning, understanding, or memorizing something.I really need to study for the test next week.There are two other common uses of the word “study” as a noun. 

1) When someone says that another person is a “quick study,” it means they learn quickly.

2) A study is also a type of room, usually containing books, writing utensils, and a desk.
31 Leave

(Leaves; Leaving; Left)
To go away or depart.I want to leave this town soon,.There are a couple of common phrases in English that use this word as a noun:

1) “Go on leave”

2) “Take leave”

Both refer to going on a vacation (or suspension) from a place of work or study.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “left,” NOT “leaved.”
32 Drive

(Drives; Driving; Drove; Driven)
To operate a vehicle or to bring something about.I don’t want to drive at all after the car crash.

You’re going to drive me crazy if you don’t stop.
The first sentence refers to operating a vehicle.

The second sentence uses the word “drive” in the sense that the person Bill’s talking to will bring about his craziness.

Note that this verb has two past tense variations: the irregular “drove,” (he drove) and the past participle “driven,” (he has driven).
33 Travel

(Travels; Traveling; Traveled)
To visit new places.I want to travel the world someday.
VerbMeaningExample SentenceAdditional NotesIrregular?
34 Arrive

(Arrives; Arriving; Arrived)
To show up somewhere.What time should he arrive for dinner?
35 Clean

(Cleans; Cleaning; Cleaned)
To tidy up or sanitize.I really don’t want to clean the house right now.
36 Eat

(Eats; Eating; Ate)
To consume food.I can’t wait to eat dinner tonight.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “ate,” NOT “eated.”
37 Drink

(Drinks; Drinking; Drank; Drunk)
To consume liquid.What would you like to drink?“Drink” is also used as a noun to name something that a person can drink.

For example, when used as a noun, the waitress could say: “What drink can I get you?”

Note that this verb has two past tenses: the irregular “drank,” (he drank the water) and the past participle “drunk,” (he has drunk the water).
38 Turn

(Turns; Turning; Turned)
To rotate or change direction; to change.Turn right at the stop sign.

How did my life turn into this?
In the first sentence,”turn” is used to indicate a change in direction.

In the second sentence, it’s used to mean a change from one thing to another.
39 Buy

(Buys; Buying; Bought)
To purchase something.What do you think I should buy mom for Christmas?

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “bought,” NOT “buyed.”
40 Laugh

(Laughs; Laughing; Laughed)
To make a joyful noise that indicates something funny happened.I love to hear you laugh.
41 Cry

(Cries; Crying; Cried)
To weep, usually associated with tears and sadness.Please don’t cry.
42 Smile

(Smiles; Smiling; Smiled)
To curve your mouth upwards, usually when you’re happy.Smile for the picture.
43 Frown

(Frowns; Frowning; Frowned)
To curve your mouth downward, usually when you’re sad.I don’t like to see you frown like that.P.S.: If someone tells you to “Turn your frown upside-down,” they want you to smile and be happy. 🙂
44 Hug

(Hugs; Hugging; Hugged)
To embrace someone by wrapping your arms around each other.I need a hug.
45 Kiss

(Kisses; Kissing; Kissed)
To embrace someone (usually a significant other or family member) by pressing your lips against them.Carla kissed her mother on the cheek before leaving.
Old Woman Kissing Old Man’s Cheek

2. Mental/Abstract Verbs List

VerbMeaningExample SentenceAdditional NotesIrregular?
46 Think

(Thinks; Thinking; Thought)
To use one’s brain to formulate ideas.Let me think about this first.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “thought,” NOT “thinked.”
47 Know

(Knows; Knowing; Knew)
To understand something as fact and have knowledge of it.I want to know what you’re thinking.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “knew,” NOT “knowed.”
48 Understand

(Understands; Understanding; Understood)
To grasp the concept of something.I don’t understand what’s going on.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “understood,” NOT “understanded.”
49 Comprehend

(Comprehends; Comprehending; Comprehended)
To understand on a deep level.Why is this problem so difficult to comprehend?
50 Acknowledge

(Acknowledges; Acknowledging; Acknowledged)
To accept something as true or as fact; to recognize.I acknowledge the importance of this book.

This is a problem we need to acknowledge.
51 Accept

(Accepts; Accepting; Accepted)
To agree to/with,The teacher doesn’t accept this kind of behavior in the classroom.
52 Believe

(Believes; Believing; Believed)
To have faith or trust in a fact or concept.I don’t believe what you’re telling me.
53 Like

(Likes; Liking; Liked)
To have a fondness for or toward something.I like living in Washington.
54 Love

(Loves; Loving; Loved)
To care about someone or something; to have romantic or otherwise positive feelings toward someone or something.I love my family.Nowadays, people often use the words “like” and “love” interchangeably. But traditionally, “love” has a much stronger, more sincere connotation.
55 Admire

(Admires; Admiring; Admired)
To have positive feelings of respect or love for someone; to watch or look at someone/something with such feelings.I admire Mara for her courage.

Admire this painting with me.
VerbMeaningExample SentenceAdditional Notes
56 Care

(Cares; Caring; Cared)
To sincerely take interest in the well-being of someone or something.She really cares about Lionel.
57 Hate

(Hates; Hating; Hated)
To greatly dislike something or someone, sometimes to the point of anger or disgust.Tom hates Linda.
58 Learn

(Learns; Learning; Learned)
To gain knowledge.I want to learn how to speak another language.
59 Respect

(Respects; Respecting; Respected)
To place due value upon another person (or thing).Can’t you respect your grandparents a little more?“Respect” is also used as a noun to embody the meaning of the verb.
60 Honor

(Honors; Honoring; Honored)
To respect; to uphold a certain moral standard or expectation.You need to honor your parents’ wishes.

Can I trust you to honor this rule?
You need to honor your parents’ wishes.

Can I trust you to honor this rule?
61 Calculate

(Calculates; Calculating; Calculated)
To think something through in order to come to a conclusion or solution.The accountant called back after calculating the numbers.
62 Wonder

(Wonders; Wondering; Wondered)
To think about something, especially by asking yourself about it or going through possibilities.I wonder if they’ll give me a discount on this dress.“Wonder” is also used as a noun in two ways:

1) To embody the meaning of the verb.

2) To refer to something that is very good or fascinating.
63 Expect

(Expects; Expecting; Expected)
To believe that something will happen.I expect that you’ll arrive on time.
64 Anticipate

(Anticipates; Anticipating; Anticipated)
To foresee something.I anticipate that the store will shut down soon.
65 Remember

(Remembers; Remembering; Remembered)
To have memory of something; to recall something.I wish I could remember our first date together.
Man Remembering Something
VerbMeaningExample SentenceAdditional Notes
66 Confuse

(Confuses; Confusing; Confused)
To make someone unsure of something; to make a situation more difficult to understand.To make someone unsure of something; to make a situation more difficult to understand.
67 Want

(Wants; Wanting; Wanted)
To desire or long for something.I want to eat a donut for breakfast.
68 Allow

(Allows; Allowing; Allowed)
To give permission for something to happen; to have something happen under your watch.I’ll allow you to eat a donut this one time.
69 Relax

(Relaxes; Relaxing; Relaxed)
To rest without worry or stress.I want you to relax.
70 Regret

(Regrets; Regretting; Regretted)
To wish you had or had not done or said something.I regret not joining the golf team in high school.

2- Linking Verbs

Negative Verbs

Linking verbs are used specifically to link the subject (S) to a noun or adjective that renames the subject. For example, in the sentence “I feel tired,” the verb feel renames the subject “I” as “tired.” In other words, “I” = “tired.”

Linking VerbMeaningExample SentenceAdditional NotesIrregular?
71 Look

(Looks; Looking; Looked)
To appear to be a certain way.Do I look okay in this outfit?
72 Appear

(Appears; Appearing; Appeared)
To become evident.I appear to be losing some weight.
73 Seem

(Seems; Seeming; Seemed)
To look or appear to be a certain way.Does Harold seem tense to you?This isn’t to be confused with the noun “seam,” which has the same pronunciation. The meanings are entirely different.
74 Feel

(Feels; Feeling; Felt)
Used to describe the experience of emotion, sensation, or a hunch.I feel hopeful today.

The table feels scratchy.

I feel like the essay is too long.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “felt,” NOT “feeled.”
75 Smell

(Smells; Smelling; Smelled)
Used to describe the experience of an aroma.Used to describe the experience of an aroma.
76 Taste

(Tastes; Tasting; Tasted)
Used to describe the experiencing of a taste.I hope it tastes good, too.
77 Sound

(Sounds; Sounding; Sounded)
Used to describe the experience of noise; used to describe someone’s thoughts on what they heard.It sounds like a carnival in here.

It sounds like Anya plans on leaving the company soon.
78 Act

(Acts; Acting; Acted)
Used to describe the state in which a person appears to be in.He acts like he owns the place.
79 Resemble

(Resembles; Resembling; Resembled)
To appear to be like another thing in some way.To appear to be like another thing in some way.
80 Remain

(Remains; Remaining; Remained)
To continue to be a certain way or in a certain state.Can things remain the way they are?This isn’t to be confused with the noun “remains,” which refers to something that’s left over.
81 Become

(Becomes; Becoming; Became)
To change state.A caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

Note that the Past Tense of this verb is “became,” NOT “becomed.”

3- Helping Verbs

Helping verbs in English can be a bit complicated, but luckily, there aren’t very many of them. There are two types of helping verbs:

  • Modal: Modal verbs imply that something is possible, impossible, certain, or probable. Oftentimes, modal verbs imply ability, permission, a request, or an offer of some sort.
  • Auxiliary: Auxiliary verbs add additional information to a sentence.

English Modal Verbs Table

Woman Telling Someone Maybe
Modal VerbMeaningExample SentenceAdditional Notes
82 CanThis implies the ability of someone/something to do an action.I can walk on my hands for thirty minutes.
83 MayThis implies permission to do something, or the possibility of something happening.May I go to the store with you?

I may buy ice cream later.
84 MustThis implies that something needs to happen, usually so that something else can happen.You must get at least a 70 to pass the test.
85 WillThis implies that something is going to happen, or that someone is going to do something.I will call you back later.
86 CouldThis implies the ability of something to perform an action (or be used for that action).Could that hairpin be used as a key?
87 WouldThis implies that an action would be performed if the possibility existed.I would help you if I could.
88 ShouldThis implies whether an action or event is necessary or a good idea.Should we really eat chocolate chips after dinner?
89 ShallThis means the same thing as “will.”I shall own this kingdom one day.Note that the word “shall” tends to sound a little bit pretentious in modern speech. In general, it’s better to use the word “will,” especially in casual conversation.
90 MightThis implies that there’s a possibility that something will happen.I might have to leave a few minutes early.

English Auxiliary Verbs Table

Auxiliary VerbMeaningExample SentenceAdditional Notes
91 Be

(Is; Being; Was)
To exist or have a certain quality.There’s no need to be rude about it.
92 Do

(Does; Doing; Did)
To perform an action.What is he doing?
93 Have

(Has; Having; Had)
For something to be necessary or inevitable; to possess something; to experience something.He has to make his mind up sometime.

I have a PS3.

I had a hard time last week.

4- Bonus: Verb Phrases

In English, there are many verb phrases that we use to specify a more specific action. A verb phrase is usually two words that describe a single action. Here are some of the most common ones that you’re likely to hear in daily life:

Verb PhraseMeaningExample SentenceAdditional Notes
94 Wake upTo stop sleeping.It’s time to wake up.
95 Give upTo lose hope and stop trying.You’ve come so far; don’t give up yet.
96 Pick upTo take something in your hands; to retrieve something; to gain knowledge of something.Can you pick up your toys off the floor?

I forgot to pick up rice at the store last weekend.

I was able to pick up some job-searching advice on the retreat.
This may be the most complicated verb phrase in English, as it has three potential meanings. The more you practice English, the easier it will be to know which meaning is relevant based on the context.
97 Brighten upTo become happier or more joyful; to be the reason for someone else becoming happier.Kierra brightened up when she saw Ian.

Ian really knows how to brighten up a room.
98 Shy awayTo neglect to do something because of fear or embarrassment.I didn’t mean to shy away from that job opportunity.
99 Take awayTo take something from another person; to gain information or value from something.Do I have to take away your phone?

I took away some good information from the lecture.
100 Give awayTo give something you own to someone else; to reveal a secret.I want to give away some of my old clothes soon.

I won’t give away the ending of the book.
101 Throw awayTo put something in the trash; to figuratively do so to something good in one’s life.Don’t throw away the leftovers!

Why did you throw away that good relationship you had?
102 Waste awayTo diminish over time.I hate to see that old house just waste away.
103 Sleep inTo sleep until late in the morning (or later than one usually wakes up).I really can’t wait to sleep in on Saturday.
104 Head outTo leave, usually for a specific place.I’m going to head out now.
105 Drop offTo leave something (or someone) at a certain place or with a certain person.The school bus dropped off the girl at her bus stop.
School Bus Dropping Girl Off at Home

3. How EnglishClass101 Can Help You Master the English Language

Okay, breathe out now. Unclench your fists. Leave the room to cry for a few minutes, if you need to. It’s over now. That’s all the detail I’ll be going into in this English verbs guide.

If you made it this far, I’m impressed. Verbs may just be the most difficult, spirit-crushing part of the English sentence, and you just read all about them. 

Don’t expect to be a master overnight; students in the United States start learning this stuff early on, up until the end of high school—and they still get some of this conjugation/tense stuff wrong. Really, irregular verbs are a nightmare. 

I recommend visiting this page often, or even printing it out to have a handy verb reference with you to study. And, as with anything you want to be truly good at, you need to practice using these verbs often! Some verbs may come easier than others, but with enough time and practice, you’ll be able to use everything in this verbs list like it’s nothing! 

Know that wants to help you out on each step of your language-learning journey. We offer constant support, effective learning tools, and a fun approach to English-learning that we think you’ll love! (Well, as much as you can love learning an often-frustrating language.)

Before you go, let us know in the comments how you feel about English verbs. Do you feel like you have a better idea of how they work, or is there something you’re still not understanding? Are there any important verbs we missed? We look forward to hearing from you!

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