A: “Have you seen Clara today?” B: “Yeah! She was at the…uhm…the…the community center.” |
Have you ever had this happen to you during a conversation?
Forgetting the word for something is common enough in one’s native language, but it can become a real struggle when speaking a foreign language.
Vocabulary is the most essential element in being able to communicate with others. Knowing just a couple hundred words can help you express your needs and wants and allow you to talk with others.
In this article, we’ll introduce 245 basic English words for beginners. These are words that you should know at the beginner level (levels A1 and A2 of the CEFR scale). You will hear and use the words on this list every day!
Many of these words may be familiar to you already, and some of them may be new to you. We recommend taking note of any words you don’t recognize and adding them to a flashcard deck.
Let’s get started.

A good vocabulary will help you communicate effectively in English and make friends!

1. Pronouns
The first set of words you should add to your English vocabulary are pronouns. Many learners struggle to learn them, but they serve a few important functions. Pronouns are the words we use in place of nouns to make sentences smoother and to avoid redundancy of proper nouns.
- → You can hear the pronunciation of different pronouns on our vocabulary list of the Most Useful Pronouns and learn how to use them in our Comprehensive Guide to English Pronouns.
I | I make soup. |
You [s] | You make soup. |
He / She / It | He makes soup. |
We | We make soup. |
You [p] | You make soup. |
They | They make soup. |

I make soup.
This | What is this? |
That | What is that? |
These | What are these? |
Those | What are those? |

What is that?
What | What does it mean? |
Who | Who are you? |
Where | Where is the bathroom? |
When | When is the meeting? |
Why | Why did you leave early? |
How | How do you feel? |

Interrogative pronouns help you ask questions.
Myself | I ate the pizza myself. |
Yourself | Where do you see yourself in ten years? |
Himself | He needs to take better care of himself. |
Herself | She went to the mall by herself. |
Ourselves | We were ashamed of ourselves. |
Yourselves | What will you do with yourselves? |
Themselves | They ate the whole pie themselves. |

They ate the whole pie themselves.
2. Numerals
Numbers are everywhere, so it’s important that you know how to read numbers and talk about numbers out loud.
- → You can find a few more numbers in our Numbers vocabulary list and learn how to use them in our article Numbers in English.
One (1) | I’ll have one cookie, please. |
Two (2) | I’ll have two cookies, please. |
Three (3) | I’ll have three cookies, please. |
Four (4) | I’ll have four cookies, please. |
Five (5) | I’ll have five cookies, please. |
Six (6) | I’ll have six cookies, please. |
Seven (7) | I’ll have seven cookies, please. |
Eight (8) | I’ll have eight cookies, please. |
Nine (9) | I’ll have nine cookies, please. |
Ten (10) | I’ll have ten cookies, please. |

I’ll have seven cookies, please.
3. Nouns
Nouns are the most important English words for beginners to learn. Even if you have a limited vocabulary, nouns can help you get your point across.
In English, there are common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns simply label an object or idea (boy, park, month). Proper nouns give a specific name to a common noun (Jim, Eisenhower Park, October). As you will notice, proper nouns are capitalized in English.
You will see both types of nouns on this list.
- → Learn 100+ Must-Know Nouns in English with us and significantly expand your vocabulary!
People | Who are those people? |
Man | That man is wearing a hat. |
Woman | That woman is wearing a scarf. |
Child | That child is playing a game. |
Husband | This is my husband, Roger. |
Wife | This is my wife, Ellen. |
Son | Here is our son, Thomas. |
Daughter | Here is our daughter, Susan. |
Grandmother | Is Grandmother doing well? |
Grandfather | Is Grandfather doing well? |
Brother | I have a younger brother. |
Sister | I also have a younger sister. |
Siblings | They are my siblings. |

This is my wife, Ellen.
Work | That was hard work. |
Job | Do you have a job? |
Occupation | What is your occupation? |
Lawyer | Steve is a lawyer. |
Farmer | Sue is a farmer. |
Engineer | He is an engineer. |
Mechanic | She is a mechanic. |
Electrician | He wants to be an electrician. |
Designer | She wants to be a designer. |
Gardener | Her mother is a gardener. |
Doctor | His father was a doctor. |
Pharmacist | Polly works as a pharmacist. |
Plumber | David works as a plumber. |
Barber | David’s brother is a barber. |
Salesperson | Polly’s sister is a salesperson. |
Clerk | You are a good clerk. |

His father was a doctor.
Time | What time is it? |
Second | A second is a very short unit of time. |
Minute | A minute is sixty seconds. |
Hour | An hour is sixty minutes. |
Day | What day is this? |
Week | I made cookies last week. |
Month | What are you doing next month? |
Year | Next year is full of opportunities. |
Monday | Monday is the first day of the work week. |
Tuesday | Tuesday is the second day of the work week. |
Wednesday | Wednesday is the third day of the work week. |
Thursday | Thursday is the fourth day of the work week. |
Friday | Friday is the fifth day of the work week. |
Saturday | Saturday is the first day of the weekend. |
Sunday | Sunday is the second day of the weekend. |
January | January is the first month. |
February | February is the second month. |
March | March is the third month. |
April | April is the fourth month. |
May | May is the fifth month. |
June | June is the sixth month. |
July | July is the seventh month. |
August | August is the eighth month. |
September | September is the ninth month. |
October | October is the tenth month. |
November | November is the eleventh month. |
December | December is the twelfth month. |

Body Parts
Head | My head hurts. |
Face | You have a pretty face. |
Neck | Her neck is sore. |
Shoulder | She dislocated her shoulder. |
Chest | Are you having chest pains? |
Arm | What happened to his arm? |
Hand | Let me see your hand. |
Finger | I cut my finger chopping vegetables. |
Leg | Don’t put pressure on your leg. |
Foot | Which foot did you hurt? |
Toe | I stubbed my toe. |
Stomach | My stomach is rumbling. |
Back | Sitting too much is bad for your back. |

Her neck is sore.
Vegetable | Broccoli is my favorite vegetable. |
Fruit | Avocado is my favorite fruit. |
Grain | Quinoa is a healthy grain. |
Meat | She doesn’t eat meat. |
Dairy | Milk and cheese are dairy products. |
Egg | Crack the egg in the bowl. |
Oil | Put oil in the pan. |
Butter | Melt the butter in the microwave. |
Salt | Add salt to taste. |
Pepper | Add pepper to taste. |

Add salt to taste.
Around Town
Hospital | He is sick in the hospital. |
Supermarket | Can you pick up milk at the supermarket? |
School | I don’t want to go to school. |
Downtown | We can meet up downtown. |
Movie theater | We saw a film at the movie theater. |
Jail / Prison | She was taken to jail yesterday for a crime. |
Library | You must be quiet in the library. |
Community center | Our community center has a pool. |
Park | She took her son to the park. |