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Celebrating New Year’s Eve in the United States

New Year’s Eve in the United States is a day of great celebration in anticipation of the coming year. Spirits are high, and there’s a sense of warmth and excitement just about everywhere! In this article, you’ll learn all about New Year’s Eve celebrations in the United States—what happens during the countdown to midnight, New Year’s Eve traditional meals, the Times Square Ball Drop, and much more! At EnglishClass101.com, we aim to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative, starting with this article! Are you ready? Let’s get started. 1. What is New Year’s Eve? New Year’s Eve, as you guessed already, is the evening before New Year’s Day. Arguably, people actually celebrate far more on... Show more

English Language Family: “Son” in English and Much More!

Studying how to describe family is important because family are the closest people to you, and in some ways they can even be considered an extension of yourself. It's likely you'll want to talk about your family at least a little while in the United States, and even more likely that you'll be asked questions about your family as you start to make friends. By studying family descriptors in English, you're preparing yourself for this. So, let’s get started! Learn some important family vocabulary for American English family members with EnglishClass101.com! Table of Contents Family in American English Family Member Terms and Basic Phrases to Use American English Immediate Family & American English Extended Family Family Terms for... Show more

English Travel Phrases Guide

If you plan on traveling to the United States (or another largely English-speaking country) soon, you’ll definitely want to know some English travel phrases. Even if you’re not fluent in English yet, it’s important to know how to effectively communicate with the people you’re going to encounter—bus drivers and train station managers, hotel staff, shop clerks, and the list goes on. Increasing your English travel vocabulary is an essential step in your visit to the United States. Knowing just a few basic English travel phrases will ultimately make your life easier as you navigate this new place. Instead of struggling to find words when ordering at a restaurant or asking for directions, you’ll have these most common English travel phrases... Show more

Time Off to Vote: Voting and Elections on Election Day

One of the United States’ greatest attributes is its democracy, the ability for its people to vote in elections. Voting and elections in the United States follow specific rules and regulations, ensuring voting equality and fairness. In this article, you’ll learn about voting on Election Day, including some information on how national elections work. At EnglishClass101.com, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! 1. What is Election Day? When people talk about Election Day, they're usually talking about the federal offices in the United States. Is Election Day a national holiday in the US? For most people in the United States, the Tuesday after the first Monday in... Show more

Numbers in English: Learn English Numbers

https://youtu.be/CzY8HiqS_Xg?si=TzUWiWL1ecasc7wW It's important to study numbers because no matter where you are, they're a necessary and unavoidable part of life. This is especially true when it comes to buying things/shopping, telling time, reading calendars, and knowing how to communicate with others the concept of "how many/how much." If you plan on traveling to the United States or any other English-speaking country, it’s vital that you pick up at least the most basic numbers in English. From there, you can also begin learning how to write numbers in English as well as grasp the basics of the number system in English. Trust us, knowing these things will come in handy over and over again! We hope to answer your questions and give... Show more

Halloween USA: Halloween Activities & Events

Each year, Americans celebrate Halloween—a holiday dedicated to everything spooky, dark, and disturbing. While this Halloween celebration is relatively new in the U.S., many Americans actually look forward to it all year long! In this article, you’ll learn about the most common Halloween activities, the holiday’s possible origins, and popular Halloween sayings you can start practicing today. At EnglishClass101.com, we hope to make every aspect of your learning journey both fun and informative! 1. What is Halloween in the United States? Halloween is a time for celebration in the USA. It's become the second most popular holiday in the nation over the years. Halloween is known for its oftentimes scary costumes, elaborate... Show more

How to Make an Apology for Poor English, and More!

There are few things in life more frustrating than having difficulty communicating with others, and this is pretty inevitable when you move to a country that speaks a different language than your mother tongue. Anyone learning a new language is sure to stumble sometimes, and apologies are the best and simplest way to brush off frustration and embarrassment. Knowing how to say "sorry" in English conversations when necessary is a vital skill to learn. Whether you’re looking to say sorry for your English or want to know another word for "sorry" in English, you can find exactly what you need on EnglishClass101.com. Learn how to make an apology for poor English and other ways to say "sorry" in English with EnglishClass101.com and our guide... Show more

Celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day in the U.S.

What day is International Talk Like a Pirate Day? How can you take part? What on earth is a landlubber? In this article, you’ll learn a little bit about a relatively new, U.S.-born holiday, dedicated to talking like a pirate. What fun would learning a language be without a little deviance from the usual, anyway? At EnglishClass101.com, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! And today, we hope you walk away from this lesson with all the pirate-y conversation material you’ll need to celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Let’s get starrrrted. 1. What is Talk Like a Pirate Day? On International Talk Like a Pirate Day, people are encouraged to talk like a pirate!... Show more

How to Read Body Language in the United States

Body language says what words can’t, and it can serve as an effective maneuver around poor English skills—or difficulties in any other language for that matter! On top of that, body language complements verbal language; it acts a lot like slang in that it makes for more fluent and lively conversation. However, in order to make this work for you, you need to know how to read body language. Nonverbal communications in English are just as important as they are around the world. This guide on body gestures in our English lesson will help you get a better grasp of American nonverbal communication. Learn about body language in American culture, as well as an array of body gestures in English, with EnglishClass101.com, and prove yourself... Show more

A List of the Best English Internet Slang and Text

At EnglishClass101, we show you how to use the basics of the language correctly, with loads of aids and easy-to-use tools! Yet learning the slang words and phrases, as well as the texting acronyms of any new language, will greatly increase your ability to chat with native speakers. They often serve to enhance conversation and add color to what you need to say online, without using many words. Slang language is defined, according to Google dictionary, as "a type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people." So, you should be able to see that if you want in with any community of English... Show more