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Archive for the 'English Phrases' Category

The Ultimate Guide to Telling Time in U.S. English

https://youtu.be/nNoI-UFwb04?si=fjzxddxZt1l6_-TM Wherever you find yourself in the world, much of your life will be governed by time: What time you wake up, when you need to leave for work, how long your lunch break is, what time the museum opens, making sure you arrive on time for your date. In short, unless you plan on moving to this Norwegian town, you really do need to know how to tell time. ;) Telling time and making appointments may be easy in your own language and country, but what about when you visit or relocate to the United States? The United States tends to do things differently than the rest of the world, probably just because we can...and in some ways, this applies to telling time. The good news is that as long as... Show more

Learn Directions in English: North, South, East, West & More

Knowing how to get from point A to B, especially in a new environment, is paramount. Having things to do and places to go in a new location is meaningless if you have no idea how to get there. Asking for directions (and giving them) in their own language is one of the most important skills a person can have—making it even more vital when visiting a country that speaks a different language. Learn how to ask and give directions in English with EnglishClass101’s complete guide to directions in English! Table of Contents Cardinal Directions in English: Using North, South, East & West Giving Road Directions in English Describing Directions in English with Landmarks Must-know Phrases for Asking Directions Must-know Phrases for... Show more

Celebrating Flag Day in the United States

A flag can say a lot about its country, and each one is steeped in years of history. The United States Flag, adopted in 1777, has undergone many changes over the years as circumstances change and states are added to our nation.  So, why is Flag Day observed in the U.S.? In this article, you’ll learn all about Flag Day’s meaning to U.S. citizens, some facts about the U.S. Flag, and some important vocabulary.  Let’s get started. 1. U.S. Flag Day History and Meaning What is Flag Day in the U.S.? Flag Day in the United States is a day of commemoration for the country’s freedom and—even more so—its flag, which was adopted in 1777 by the Second Continental Congress. The adoption of the U.S. Flag signified... Show more

Learn the Best Compliment Phrases in English

When you compliment someone, you’re doing so much more than offering them kind words. You’re also boosting their confidence, showing them that you’re on their side, and extending a hand of friendship (or strengthening the one you have). A meaningful, well-placed compliment can even change a person’s entire day for the better! Just about everyone loves compliments, and learning how to offer compliments in someone’s native language will make both of you feel great! Lucky for you, EnglishClass101.com has prepared a simple guide on the best compliment phrases in English for a variety of situations and people. Once you have these down, you can build off of them and create your own unique compliments for the people in your life! Let’s... Show more

Finding the Perfect Mad with Anger Sentence in English!

We all have bad days, and we all have at least the occasional wave of anger toward someone or something. Expressing your emotions is healthy, and this is certainly as true for anger as it is for any other emotion. While yelling or screaming things in your own language, kicking walls, slamming doors, and stalking off irritated can help you reduce anger, nothing beats communicating your anger with someone in words they understand. The word "anger" in English refers to a negative feeling of frustration, disappointment, or even rage. In this article, we’ll answer the question "How can I express my anger in English?" and teach you some of the most commonly used angry English expressions. By learning angry phrases in English, you will have a... Show more

Celebrating Mother’s Day in the United States

What would the world look like without mothers? I imagine it would be much bleaker than it is already. Mothers provide love, inspiration, and countless other essentials! That’s why each year, the United States celebrates Mother’s Day and gives mothers that one day of appreciation they really deserve. In this article, you’ll learn all about Mother’s Day in the United States, from its origin to modern-day traditions. You’ll also pick up some useful vocab along the way! Let’s get started. 1. What is Mother’s Day? In the United States—and numerous countries around the world—Mother’s Day is a holiday dedicated to honoring one’s mother. Let’s talk about the origin of Mother’s Day, and how it’s evolved over time. →... Show more

Life Event Messages in English: Happy Birthday & Much More!

By learning how to write life event messages, you're opening a door to growing personal relationships with others. This is especially important when you're in a country that speaks a language other than your native tongue. People appreciate it when you take notice of their major life events and offer your congratulations or condolences appropriately. There are some life events that just about everyone can relate to, whereas others are specific only to one or a few countries. Those that are familiar to you already can help build relationships based on similarities, while those that are unfamiliar give you the opportunity to show your respect for the country's traditions. Learn how to wish "Happy Birthday" in English, and other life event... Show more

Celebrating Earth Day in the United States

Earth Day is a relatively new holiday that focuses on education about the environment and on finding ways to preserve the natural world around us. In this article, you’ll learn about the importance of Earth Day, how it’s celebrated in the United States, and more interesting Earth Day facts. Let’s get started! 1. What is Earth Day? Earth Day is a worldwide celebration that began in the United States in 1970. An oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969 is credited for spurring the first Earth Day. Hosted by Senator Gaylord Nelson the first celebration attracted over twenty-million participants. Earth Day was originally created as a grassroots movement, and while the holiday has spread over time and gained more support... Show more

U.S. Weather: How to Describe Weather in English

Talking about the weather is just about universal. It's a topic used to make small talk, divert from more serious topics or situations, and even express joy or annoyance. Weather is physical and natural, can evoke emotion and memories, and is one of the most convenient topics to be able to talk about in a pinch. Not only that, but the weather is often used in more creative contexts, such as metaphors and expressions. By knowing how to describe the weather in English, you really are opening doors to many conversations. Consider this your U.S. weather radar on weather phrases in English and much more! By the time you’re through with this article, you’ll be able to talk about all types of weather in English! EnglishClass101.com hopes to... Show more

Learn the Top 100+ Adjectives in the English Language!

Adjectives add depth and flair not only to writing, but to the world and our perception of it. You can create layers of meaning and paint a vivid picture using just the right words, making it imperative to learn these top 100+ adjectives in English. By studying the words on our list, and the provided examples of adjectives at work, you'll be able to describe and define just about anything—that's a lot of word power! At EnglishClass101.com, we hope to make learning about every aspect of the English language both fun and informative, starting with this English adjectives lesson! Table of Contents What is an Adjective? English Adjectives Usage: How Do You Use Adjectives? Basic English Adjectives List: 100+ Common Adjectives in... Show more