Archive for the 'Learn English' Category
April 22, 2016
The Top 5 Shortcuts To Learning English!
Hey Listeners!
So you've decided to study English, now what?
Chances are you're looking to become fluent and conversational as fast as possible, right? Well then, look no further! This is the list for you!
Without further ado, here are the top 5 shortcuts to learning English!
Click Here To Start Learning English Right Now!
1. Create A Study Schedule And Set Some Goals:
This one may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many unorganized language learners there are in the world! Creating a schedule allows you to manage your time wisely, enabling you to free up time to study consistently. Goals are also a key component of learning English. These give you motivation and something to strive for.
2. Make It Fun:
You... Show more
April 21, 2016
The Top 10 English Words & Phrases For Going On A Date
Hey Listeners!
Summer is here and love is in the air! But are you going to be able to go on that date with that special someone... who only speaks English?!
Step up your game with our Top 10 English words and phrases for going on a date! And don't forget to sign up for a FREE (Yes, it's a FREE account) lifetime account at to further your skills even more!
1. I love you.
2. You're so beautiful.
3. You mean so much to me.
Click Here To Sign Up For A FREE Lifetime Account & Start Learning English In Minutes!
4. A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.
5. I think of you as more than a friend.
6. You're so handsome.
7. I've got a crush on you.
... Show more
April 1, 2016
3 Tactics For Boosting Your English Listening Skills at EnglishClass101
Hello Listeners,
When it comes to listening to and understanding English, most beginners struggle. They hear the few words they know. And the rest just fly in one ear and out the other. Does this happen to you too?
In this post, you’re going to learn about 3 tactics that are guaranteed to sharpen your listening comprehension skills!
1. Try Our Listening Comprehension Series
Click Here To Check Out Our Absolute Beginner Videos!
This is a complete lesson series dedicated purely to testing and improving your listening skills. You can find all of the videos from this series in the “Bonus Video Lessons” section of our site! In the video lesson, you’ll hear a dialogue in your target language. Then, you’ll be asked to answer... Show more
February 9, 2016
English Word of the Day – jump (verb)
Learn a little English everyday with the free English Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!jump jump (verb)The man jumped on top of the mountain.The man jumped on top of the mountain.The man jumps on top of the mountain.The man jumps on top of the mountain.The man is jumping on top of the mountain.The man is jumping on top of the mountain.The woman is jumping in the air.The woman is jumping in the air.The dolphin jumps out of the water.The dolphin jumps out of the water.The man is jumping the hurdle.The man is jumping the hurdle.jump on top of a mountainjump on top of a mountainjump a hurdlejump a hurdleOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the English Word of the Day with Audio... Show more
January 28, 2016
English Word of the Day – oppose (verb)
Learn a little English everyday with the free English Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!oppose oppose (verb)I oppose that opinion.I oppose that is okay to oppose actions you disagree is okay to oppose actions you disagree with.oppose one anotheroppose one anotheroppose vehementlyoppose vehementlyOwn a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the English Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!
December 17, 2015
Have you been to SeaWorld Florida?
Operated by SeaWorld Entertainment, SeaWorld Florida in Orlando, Florida had 5.1 million guests in 2013. It has a variety of attractions including roller coasters, 3-D movies, and, of course, marine life.
Let's go see the penguin exhibit at SeaWorld!
P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of English with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons
The Daily Dose of English is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your English over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the English Resources menu or in the Quick Links menu on your Dashboard.
Click here to check out the Daily Dose of... Show more
December 9, 2015
What do you like about the United States?
Like: to enjoy something
Here are some answers from our users!
I like everything. It's a beautiful country.
I love the modern lifestyle and democracy.
I like the people.
What do you like about the United States?
Click here and share your answer!
P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of English with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons
The Daily Dose of English is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your English over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the English Resources menu or in the Quick Links menu on your Dashboard.
Click here to check out the Daily Dose of... Show more
November 28, 2015
Do you mind if I ask how old you are?
When asking about someone's age, it's better to avoid the direct question, How old are you? Instead, you can politely ask:
Do you mind if I ask how old you are?
Here are some ways to answer this question:
I'm 25 years old.
I've just turned 25.
I'm turning 25 in July
How about you?
Click here and share your answer!
P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of English with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons
The Daily Dose of English is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your English over time. Lessons range from culture and holidays to grammar, slang, phrases and more. Find it in the English Resources menu or in the Quick... Show more
November 24, 2015
Have you visited the Metropolitan Museum in New York?
Commonly known as "The Met," The Metropolitan Museum in New York, New York, is the largest art museum in the United States. Founded in 1870, it's now home to over 2 million works. The museum operates under a "pay what you want" (or PWYW) system, where visitors can choose the amount of money they wish to pay for admittance. However, the recommended amount is $25.
The Metropolitan Museum first opened its doors on February 20, 1872.
P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of English with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons
The Daily Dose of English is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your English over time. Lessons range from culture... Show more
November 23, 2015
Where do you want to sit?
People may ask you this when buying tickets for events that require reserved seats.
Theater is a popular form of entertainment in New York and many other places around the world.
Depending on the show and the popularity, tickets may be hard for you to get, or you may need to reserve them ahead of time to get good seats.
Here's how the ticket agent may confirm your purchase:
Two tickets for today's matinee. Front-row center, mezzanine level
P.S. Get Your Daily Dose of English with 1-Minute Mini-Lessons
The Daily Dose of English is a Calendar that gives you new, 1-minute lessons every day. Why? Because learning a little every day is easy, strengthens your habits and motivation and you improve your English over time. Lessons range... Show more