December 18, 2020
Is English Hard to Learn?
English is currently the third most-spoken language in the world, after Chinese and Spanish. It's also spoken in many countries around the world, making it super-useful to know, even if only at a conversational level. Learning English can also make it easier for you to learn other languages later, if you want to!
But many people hesitate to begin learning English. This may be because English is often said to be one of the most difficult languages to learn. But is this true?
In this article, we’ll answer the question "Is English hard to learn?" We’ll also show you why you might want to learn English anyway, and how to get started. (If you’re reading this article, we bet you’ve already gotten a great start!)
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December 11, 2020
The Most Common Mistakes in English for New Learners
What are the most common mistakes in English? How can you avoid them or improve your overall English language skills?
In this article, you’ll learn what mistakes you, as an English learner, need to watch out for. Whether you’re getting ready to take an important English exam, or you just had an embarrassing "oops" moment when chatting with your friends, knowing and understanding the most common types of mistakes in English is a must if you want to improve your skills.
While this won't necessarily ensure that you avoid these mistakes, it will help you be more effective at monitoring your own progress—both successes and failures.
Do you make these mistakes in English? Keep reading to find out!
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December 10, 2020
Christmas in the United States: A Heartwarming Holiday
No time of year lifts my mood like Christmas does. Maybe it’s all of the bright and colorful lights or the nonstop Christmas music on the radio.
Or maybe it’s all of the memories from my childhood Christmases that come flooding back: opening gifts from Santa Claus on Christmas morning, enjoying great food with extended family, baking cookies with my best friend…
In this article, you’ll learn all about American Christmas traditions, the story behind the holiday, and much more.
Let’s get started!
1. What is Christmas?
Christmas is a holiday celebrated each year on December 25.
On Christmas Day, Christians commemorate the Biblical story of Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem and celebrate the... Show more
November 27, 2020
The Most Common English Questions and How to Answer Them
Asking questions is one of the most effective ways for getting to know someone on a personal level. People tend to be curious about things, and as social creatures, this often applies to the people around us. Knowing the top ten English questions and how to answer them will help you get to know the people around you, and help them know you better in exchange!
In this article, I’ll introduce you to the most essential English questions and answers for beginners and intermediate learners. For each question, there will be:
A breakdown of the most popular form of the question.A list of alternative ways to ask the question (if any).A table of possible answers to common English questions, with examples and additional notes if needed.
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November 13, 2020
The IELTS Exam: IELTS Preparation Tips & Guide
Do you need to prove your English fluency for a job, university enrollment, a visa, or personal fulfillment? There are a few popular English fluency exams out there, some of which you may have already looked at and considered.
In case you’re still in the beginning stages of choosing the best English proficiency test for you, has a separate article on the TOEIC test and how you can excel at it!
In this article, I’ll be covering the basics of the IELTS test. You’ll learn what IELTS stands for, who should take it, what to expect during the test, and how you can effectively prepare for it.
Are you ready? Let’s get started.
Table of Contents
Introduction to the IELTS Exam
What’s in the IELTS Exam?
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November 6, 2020
The Warmth of Family: Thanksgiving Day in the United States
From the Harvest Festival in Germany to Labor Thanksgiving Day in Japan, many countries hold a thanksgiving day of some kind. In the United States, this holiday is known simply as Thanksgiving (or colloquially, Turkey Day).
In this article, you’ll learn how Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, how this holiday got started, and more.
Are you ready? Let’s get started.
1. What is Thanksgiving?
In modern times, Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday dedicated to giving thanks and showing appreciation. This day is also associated with large feasts, time with loved ones, and the beginning of the "holiday season" (which includes Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve).
But how did this holiday... Show more
October 30, 2020
The Best Ready-to-Use English Sentence Patterns Just for You
It’s difficult to begin communicating effectively in a new language. There are so many new words, grammar rules to remember, and little nuances that you learn only through years of practice and growth. And, especially for those of us who are painfully shy or afraid of failure, trying out these new words and phrases is asking for a panic attack!
So where to start?
If you’re ready to start speaking English today and jumpstart your exposure to everyday language, you’re in the right place. has prepared a list of eleven English sentence patterns for beginners to get started with. These basic phrases will enable you to express the most important and practical concepts with ease. And you can practice using... Show more
October 19, 2020
What is an Adverb? Learn the Top 100+ English Adverbs
Saying that something happened is one thing, but saying how it happened is another. This is where adverbs come in.
But what is an adverb, and why do you need them?
Adverbs provide flair and color to both speech and writing. They allow you to describe occurrences or situations in greater detail. An adverb can provide a key detail in a sentence. For example, take the sentence "I slept last night." In most situations, this is enough information. But what if you want to talk about the quality of your sleep, or how long you slept? To explain this, you could say, "I slept fitfully last night," or "I slept a long time last night."
See? By using adverbs, you can give the exact amount of detail people need to read between the lines. If... Show more
October 16, 2020
English Keyboard: How to Install and Type in English
You asked, so we provided—easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up your electronic devices to write in English! We’ll also give you a few excellent tips on how to use this keyboard, as well as some online and app alternatives if you prefer not to set up a English keyboard.
Table of Contents
Why it’s Important to Learn to Type in English
Setting up Your Computer and Mobile Devices for English
How to Activate an Onscreen Keyboard on Your Computer
How to Change the Language Settings to English on Your Computer
Activating the English Keyboard on Your Mobile Phone and Tablet
English Keyboard Typing Tips
How to Practice Typing English
1. Why it’s Important to Learn to Type in English
Learning a new language is made so much... Show more
October 5, 2020
Your Ultimate Guide to English Verb Conjugations
Conjugation enables you to speak and write English properly, in a way that other English-speakers will easily understand. It's an essential aspect of the language, and learning how to properly conjugate verbs will fine-tune your English skills.
While you can technically use English without conjugation, it won't sound very professional and will make communication more difficult.
In this article, you’ll learn all the basics of English verb conjugation so that you can make the most of every conversation!
Table of Contents
What is Conjugation?
Conjugation Examples
Conjugating Irregular Verbs
English Verb Conjugation Quiz
Some Parting Words…
1. What is Conjugation?
Learning English conjugations can be... Show more