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A List of the Best English Internet Slang and Text

At EnglishClass101, we show you how to use the basics of the language correctly, with loads of aids and easy-to-use tools! Yet learning the slang words and phrases, as well as the texting acronyms of any new language, will greatly increase your ability to chat with native speakers. They often serve to enhance conversation and add color to what you need to say online, without using many words.

Slang language is defined, according to Google dictionary, as “a type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people.”

So, you should be able to see that if you want in with any community of English locals, it’ll be helpful to get to know their slang.

That said, some slang is universal, and is widely used on the internet. The most popular online spaces include forums and social media platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and so on.

Internet slang or text abbreviations appear in the form of acronyms (shortening a sentence or phrase by writing only the first letters of the words), which was made popular on platforms like Twitter, where you can post only a limited number of characters.

For instance, “lol” comes in handy, when you don’t have space to write out “laugh out loud.”

Another form of internet slang is specific words or short phrases that have a meaning other than what they normally do in English. Sometimes, they convey a feeling, or take the place of facial expressions, such as “facepalm,” to depict embarrassment or exasperation.

In other cases, they are completely new words with unique uses. As they say, sometimes just one word tells a whole story—the internet has a whole lingo of its own like that.

In this blog, we offer you a list of the most-used text abbreviations in the form of acronyms, as well as internet slang. So be sure to add these to your arsenal of English vocabulary!

  1. Acronyms
  2. Internet Slang
  3. Conclusion

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1. Acronyms

Internet-specific acronyms started appearing almost as soon as social media did. They’re written in capital letters or lowercase, your choice. Scroll through these popular text slangs and chat abbreviation, and start practicing!

1- DSL—Don’t Stay Long/Dumb Stupid Loser

This acronym can have many meanings, but these two are the most commonly used. Not very polite to call someone a “dumb, stupid loser,” so use with discretion.

2- IKR—I Know, Right

This is an American expression mainly used in casual conversation. You use “IKR” to indicate that you fully agree with someone.

This is one of the older internet slang acronyms, so you may want to read up on its history and learn more about its usage.

3- LOL—Laugh Out Loud or Laughing Out Loud

This is one of the first internet slang or text acronyms to find its way onto our screens. We’ve been LOL-ing for decades on social media in reaction to funnies.

However, “LOL” is considered rather outmoded…you’d be more modern if you use the following acronym.

4- Lulz—Laughs

As you can see, “Lulz” is sort of derived from “LOL,” and in addition to indicating that you’re laughing about something, it can also mean “just for laughs.”

Laughing Girl

5- LMAO—Laugh My Ass Off

The same goes for this one, also an oldie. If “LOL” isn’t strong enough, and you’ve practically ruptured your spleen laughing at something because it’s so funny, “LMAO” is the way to make this known on social media.

Of course this is just an expression; it doesn’t mean you’re literally laughing so hard your backside slides off.

6- ROFL—Roll On Floor Laughing

“ROFL” is similar to “LMAO,” meaning you need to express strongly that something is so hysterically funny, you can barely remain standing.

7- WTF—What The F***

Your chance to swear without offending anyone. This is another abbreviation from long ago that denotes surprise and astonishment, usually in response to something shocking, hugely surprising, or negative.
8- Dafuq—(What) the F***?!
WTF’s more elaborate, non-acronym cousin, which is used in exactly the same way. It’s a new word, really, of which the meaning only becomes clear once you pronounce it.

Distraught Man Looking at Car

9- FML—F*** My Life

Still on the topic of legitimate expletives, “FML” is a way for you to comment on something unfortunate that’s happened to you. Also an old text slang acronym, it can be used this way:

“Just had my car professionally wax polished, cost a fortune; drove out and two birds pooped on it. FML.”

This text acronym even has its own website, where people share their misfortunes to be rated.

10- IDGAF—I Don’t Give A F***

A rather crass way to state emphatically that you don’t care.

11- NSFW—Not Safe/Suitable For Work

Some photos and material on the internet is sensitive in nature, meaning that it contains nudity, graphic images, or foul language. This acronym signals that you should take care when viewing the material, as it’s not for everyone’s eyes and might offend someone.

12- NSFL—Not Safe For Life

The former acronym means it’s OK to view the material when you’re not in a work or formal environment. Not “NSFL.” This means the material is particularly graphic and can even be emotionally or mentally scarring. It’s not as often used as “NSFW.”

13- PAW—Parents Are Watching

Probably more popular among teenagers, “PAW” serves as a warning that parents are around.

14- BRB—Be Right Back

This simply is what it says—you’re informing your chat-mate that you need to take a break from the conversation, but will be back soon.

15- MIRL—Me In Real Life

Often used to make fun of yourself, and is usually accompanied by a pic, reaction GIF, or a video.

16- NVM—Nevermind

This one’s pretty self-explanatory, meaning “No need to mind it any longer” or “Don’t worry about this topic.” In English, “Nevermind” as an expression can have a negative connotation, though, and it’s sometimes used as a sort of passive-aggressive brush off. So don’t use it during a fight with a lover!

17- IDK—I Don’t Know

Exactly what it says.

18- YOLO—You Only Live Once

One context in which you would utilize this acronym is when you want to encourage someone to do something they wouldn’t normally do. For instance, if you’re trying to convince a friend to join you for a midnight party in the streets on New Year’s, or go paragliding in the nude, or snort wasabi sauce. ‘Cause “YOLO,” you know?!

19- MTFBWY—May The Force Be With You

This is a well-known phrase from the Star Wars movies, and it’s a way to wish someone good luck.

Bored Man

20- TL;DR—Too Long; Didn’t Read

Quite self-explanatory. Appropriate to use when you get sent a link to a lengthy article, for instance.

21- TNF—That’s Not Funny

Another self-evident acronym. For instance, if someone had to share that notorious Logan Paul YouTube video with you, thinking it’s hilarious, you would respond appropriately with a short “TNF.”

22- WBU—What ‘Bout You

This is an acronym of dialectic slang. Some communities, usually young people, say “’bout” instead of “about.” The rest is easy to derive—ask this if you’re inquiring about someone’s opinion, or how they’re doing in general. For instance:

“Done with homework, off to shops. WBU.”

23- ICYMI—In Case You Missed It

Another self-explanatory acronym to use as a preamble to sharing the latest news on a burning topic.

24- OMG—Oh My God

Another golden oldie, “OMG” now almost has a status as an independent word. Used as a way to express astonishment, surprise, or delight, this is the more positive cousin of “WTF.” Probably somewhat less offensive too, to some.

In very religiously conservative communities, “OMG” may be seen as inappropriate to use, so be sure to exercise discretion when using this popular texting abbreviation.

25- GTG—Got To Go

Mostly used as a terse way to announce your imminent departure from the conversation, or to say that you just have to go somewhere—you feel compelled to visit a place or attend a concert or meeting, etc.

If it’s used to excuse yourself, it could be polite to follow with: “Chat again soon!”

26- OOTD—Outfit Of The Day

Fashion bloggers’ favorite Instagram acronym. It’s useful when you feel the need to share your fashion choices of the day with the world.

27- IMO OR IMHO—In My Opinion or In My Honest/Humble Opinion

An expression often used in conversation. It doesn’t really mean anything, except to announce that you’re about to give your sincere opinion.

That said, hopefully you offer only honest opinions in general, so this is not really a qualifier.

28- IMMD—It Made My Day

This internet slang is used to indicate that something really lifted your spirit, and made you feel good. For instance:

“Tx for the cake you brought to work today. IMMD!”

29- Tx—Thanks

The “x” is used as a placeholder after “T” for the rest of the word, “Thanks.” Often used, it has also been in circulation for ages.

30- AMA—Ask Me Anything

Touted to have originated on Reddit when an authority started using this to open topics for questions, an “AMA” is now a thing. Apparently, even public Question and Answers (Q&As) are now being referred to as “AMAs.” There’s even a “The Best Reddit AMAs of all time” article.

31- Bae—Babe or Before Anyone Else

Be informed and know that Bae in Danish means “poop.” So, now that your innocence is forever spoiled, will you ever again be able to call a loved one your “Bae” with a straight face?!!

On the internet, this text slang is often used as a mockery in memes and such.

32- DM: Direct Message

Taking over from “PM,” which means “Private Message,” “DM” has been gaining traction over the past few years. It’s a way of asking someone to contact you directly and/or privately. You can use it to say, for instance:

“DM with your email plz!”

33- DAE—Does Anyone Else?

Apparently huge on niche forums, Reddit, and some discussion groups, “DAE” is used as a prefix to a question. Like in: “DAE feel the Venus retrograde transit is a killer this week?”

34- ELI5—Explain Like I’m 5

Apparently huge on Reddit, this is a way to ask someone to dumb down a topic so you can understand it in layman’s terms. Or, you could use this to ask a specialist to explain something to you in a simple way: “ELI5: How does mitosis work?”

Kids Studying

35- FTFY—Fixed That For You

If you make an unintentional mistake on a media platform, someone can “FTFY,” quite literally. It’s also used sarcastically, such as saying:

“Microsoft is better than Apple Mac.”
“Apple Mac is far better than Microsoft. #FTFY”

36- IRL—In Real Life

The internet is not real life, so sometimes it’s necessary to state when you’re talking about it.

37- JSYK—Just So You Know

Remember “FYI” (“For Your Information”)? This is its cooler replacement and most often used. FYI will make you seem somewhat obsolete on social media, JSYK.

38- TBT—Throwback Thursday

An Instagram favorite, hashtagging “TBT” on a Thursday, with a photo of you when you were cute and chubby, will get you more comments and likes than simply posting the pic.

39- BFF—Best Friends Forever

Well-known and popular, this is used to show you really like someone, or that they’re actually your best friend.

Women Talking

40- YMMV—Your Mileage May Vary

When you’re chatting about a product or your experience with something, you could add “YMMV” to relay that experiences may vary from person to person. For instance: “No issues with today’s Windows update. YMMV.”

41- SMH—Shakes/Shaking My Head

Used to convey a feeling of disappointment, exasperation, or disapproval. Also consider using some of the internet slang terms below, as these have close to the same meaning.

2. Internet Slang

Some phrases and words are synonymous with social media. They serve to communicate an array of things. You may find that these internet abbreviations are just what you need to show others just how you feel.

1- Facepalm

When we’re very embarrassed—sometimes with ourselves, sometimes with another—we instinctively cover our face with our hand(s). Use “facepalm” to express a serious “Oops!” or even exasperation.

Facepalming Woman

2- Headdesk

If you’re super exasperated and don’t suffer fools gladly, you probably feel like banging your head on the desk with frustration. Convey this in internet conversations with one word.

3- Squad Goals

When you see a group of friends together, acting in a way you wish your posse could, you would announce this with a pic and #Squad Goals. It could also mean that you wish you were part of that group, or that you aspire to be part of a group like that. The “squad” obviously refers to your group of friends or the people you hang with.


4- On Fleek

This is a brand-new internet slang phrase with no reference to another word or expression in English. It simply means you or someone else is being super cool, on point, perfect, or amazing. Such as saying: “Rihanna’s eyebrows are on fleek.”

5- Thirsty

Saying you’re “thirsty” for something means you really want it, almost desperately. Like in: “I’m thirsty for that jacket!”

6- Slay

This slang has nothing to do with killing anything or anyone. Used in a sentence, it’s usually to strongly say that someone’s amazingly good at something, or that something’s fantastic. Like in: “Imagine Dragons new album, slay!”

7- I Can’t Even

This phrase is used when you find yourself at a loss for words to express something adequately, either good or bad. Such as: “Lady Gaga’s movie, I can’t even!” It’s also a way of saying: “I’m speechless!”

3. Conclusion

We hope that our internet slang dictionary has been more than helpful for you. Use these as often as possible, and soon you’ll have them memorized. With these internet slangs and English slang words to use when you text message, you’ll sound like a native online too!

To fast-track your learning, make use of Learn-on-the-go apps, with over 1630 audio and video lessons. EnglishClass101 makes many tools available for free.

We also place emphasis on teaching languages as it’s spoken by natives, so you can hit the ground running when you’ve mastered the basics! The large online community associated with our school offers you the perfect training crowd, so you can practice your newly-acquired skills.

Innovative Language really slays online language learning, so don’t wait, enroll today!

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5 Common Problems English Learners Face (And How to Overcome Them)

5 Common Problems English Learners Face (And How to Overcome Them)

As a common lingua franca for business and tourism all over the world, it’s no wonder why English is one of the most widely spoken foreign languages around the globe. While English is the most popular foreign language, that doesn’t mean that is the easiest.

How difficult English is to learn will depend largely on the native language of the student. The closer a student’s native language is to English, the easier time they will have learning the language. Conversely, the further one’s native language is to English, the harder time they will have in mastering the language.

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In this post, we look at five of the biggest challenges students of English face, and we also share some practical tips on how to overcome them.

1) Phrasal verbs


Phrasal verbs are a common base for the English learner. In linguistic terms a phrasal verb is a verb that is used in conjunction with a particle, and often a preposition, to form a short phrase. Individually the words in these short phrases don’t make sense, it’s when they appear together that they take on their meaning.

Some examples include: to “carry on” (continue), to “check out”, to “get by”, or to “give up”. These types of phrases can be very difficult for non-native speakers to remember and use correctly in a speech.

Often times the only way to cement phrasal verbs into your vocabulary is to memorize them. A great way to do this is to utilize a flashcard based spaced repetition tool. Spaced repetition allows you to focus your time and energy on the flashcards you have the most trouble remembering, and it’s a great technique to help you learn more efficiently. Anki is a free spaced repetition flashcard deck that is worth looking into. On Anki, it’s easy to customize your flashcards to include pictures, audio, and anything else that might help you remember the trickiest phrasal verbs.

2) The gap between listening and reading

Girl Reading

There’s a lot of languages out there which are fairly phonetic, meaning words are spelled the way they sound and vice versa. If a language isn’t spelled exactly how it’s spelled, often times there are a set of clear rules or exceptions to common pronunciations.

In English, this simply isn’t the case. The word you hear can differ greatly from the word you read. Students of the language are often thrown off by spellings such as “red, read (past), and read (present)” or “there, their, and they’re”. The importance of learning a language holistically through reading, writing, listening, and speaking, is often stressed in the language learning community, and this couldn’t be more important for English learners. For English learners, the gap between what you hear and what you see on a page can be frustrating.

The best way to overcome this obstacle is to simply get used to using the language. Learning tools which include audio and accompanying transcripts (like EnglishClass101), will be very helpful here. Try listening to an English audio resource (like a podcast). Listen to it several times without looking at the transcript for the episode. Then try your best to write down what you think you heard. This will not only help you get used to the different spellings of words, but it will also help you develop your listening skills.

You can also take the exercise and do it the opposite way. Read the transcript of an episode and do your best to read out loud with the correct pronunciation. Listen back to the native audio to double check what you said.

3) Listening comprehension


You can have an excellent command of a foreign language, and be able to express yourself with relative ease. However, this does not necessarily mean that you will be able to understand native speakers when they talk. A common problem for students of English is listening comprehension. There are a few reasons for this.

Depending on where a student learned English, they may not have been exposed to native speakers. If they learned English in their native country their teacher likely spoke English with a foreign accent.

Another common issue is which variant of English a student learned. Students in and around Europe are likely to learn English with a British pronunciation, while others may learn American or even Australian. The difference behind the diction and pronunciation can vary widely between continents.

Listening comprehension in a foreign language is a lot like a muscle. If you want your skill to grow you have to exercise it. The best way to do this is to listen to native audio or even better real-life native speakers. The more time you spend actively listening (that is trying to squeeze out all the meaning you can from the English you here), the more comfortable you will become with listening and comprehending what you hear.

4) Tenses


English has a lot of verb tenses. Twelve in the active mood to be exact. Other languages, like say Russian for instance, have significantly less. Native speakers of these languages will have a tougher time picking up on the subtleties between the different tenses in English.

One great way of overcoming this obstacle is to engage with the language in the context of a conversation or situation. This means, versus simply reading through a list of examples in a textbook, try engaging with English in a way that is more natural. A great way to do this is by watching an English tv show or movie with English subtitles. The situation in a particular scene will provide a lot of context as to the language and words that are spoken. This will help you see firsthand how the tenses are used, and how they aren’t used.

Another useful tool is EnglishClass101 audio or video episodes. The episodes are built around a recorded conversation between native speakers. The context is given for each lesson, and more often than not the episode covers some realistic situation you’re likely to encounter in everyday life.

5) Patience


Patience is something all language learners have to grapple with, whether their learning English or another language. The language learning journey is full of ebbs and flows. Sometimes it feels like progress comes quickly and you see real improvement in your abilities. Other times, it feels like you hit a brick wall and no matter how hard you work you don’t see any progress.

A great language learner keeps pushing through the hard times as well as the rewarding ones. You can learn the English language. Sometimes it just takes a bit of perseverance. Keep your head up! When you hit plateaus try changing up your method of practice or study. Sometimes routines get dull and you need a fresh way to engage with the language.

Final thoughts

Learning English isn’t always easy, but the reward of learning a new language is always worth it. Hopefully, this article will help you identify and overcome some of the most common problems learners face when studying English. Best of luck!

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The Fourth of July: Independence Day in the United States

In the United States, the Fourth of July is one of the most important holidays and is the country’s National Day. It commemorates the end of the American Revolution, and the July 4, 1776 passing of the Declaration of Independence, which freed the United States from British rule.

From Fourth of July fireworks to singing the National Anthem, Americans use this day to be thankful for our freedom and to remember those who sacrificed to help us attain it.

In learning about this significant U.S. holiday, you’re examining the very roots of U.S. culture as it is today. And as any successful language-learner can tell you, understanding a country’s culture is vital in mastering the language.

At EnglishClass101.com, we hope to make this learning adventure both fun and informative!

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1. What is Independence Day in the United States?

Independence Day dates back to 1776, which was the day the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence for the United States. However, it wasn’t until 1781 when the states started to pick it up as a state holiday, and Massachusetts was the first state to do so.

The very first celebration of Independence Day was in Maine in 1820, and Congress made the Fourth of July an official federal holiday in 1870. However, federal employees did not receive pay for the day off until 1838.

2. When is Independence Day?

Fourth of July

Each year, the United States celebrates its Independence Day on July 4 (which is why this holiday is often called the Fourth of July). July 4, 1776, marks the day that the United States finally gained its independence from Britain.

3. How is the Fourth of July Celebrated?

1- Fourth of July Fireworks

The Fourth of July, or United States Independence Day, is typically celebrated by fireworks displays all over the country.

Some of the most-watched fireworks displays include those at the National Mall and at Mount Rushmore. Many towns and locales have their own fireworks displays on the evening of the fourth, and Americans also enjoy setting off fireworks themselves, although this is banned or restricted in many parts of the country.

In some areas, there are so many fireworks being set off by private residents that police can do little, if anything, to enforce the law, which they put in place for safety reasons.

2- Fourth of July Desserts & Other Popular Foods

Americans typically have backyard barbecues and celebrations in honor of their country’s independence. Some of the most common American foods on this day include hot dogs, hamburgers, shish kabobs, steaks, and potatoes.

Since Independence Day is a celebration, after all, Americans also love their Fourth of July desserts. Something Americans often do with any kind of dessert on this day is make them using the colors red, white, and blue as these are the colors of the United States Flag. For instance, if Jello is served, it’ll be red, white, and blue; if it’s cake or cookies, it’ll have red, white, and blue frosting!

3- Other Activities

The week, especially the weekend, around the Fourth of July is typically a very busy travel day in the United States because many Americans travel to see friends and family, making a long weekend out of the holiday. Boating and camping are two activities often enjoyed for Independence Day.

4. The Roots of Many Independence Day Traditions

Sparkler in front of U.S. flag

Independence Day has been celebrated since the very first days of the formation of the United States.

On the first anniversary of the Fourth of July, it was marked with a thirteen-gun salute in honor of the thirteen colonies that became states. The guns were fired twice on that day: once in the morning and once at nightfall. The gun salute was held in Rhode Island.

In Philadelphia, we see the beginnings of other major traditions for this holiday, including a dinner held for Congress, more thirteen-gun salutes, parades, and more. General George Washington marked the day in 1778 by giving his troops a double ration of rum.

5. Useful Vocabulary to Know for the Fourth of July

Declaration of Independence

Here’s some vocabulary you should know for Independence Day in the United States!

  • Sign
  • United States of America
  • White
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Picnic
  • Independence Day
  • Philadelphia
  • Firework
  • Flag
  • Declaration of Independence
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Pride
  • National Anthem
  • July 4th
  • Independence
  • Freedom
  • Barbeque
  • American Revolution
  • 1776
  • Parade

To hear each of these words pronounced, check out our U.S. Independence Day vocabulary list.


What do you think of the Fourth of July traditions in the United States? What does your country do on its National Day? Let us know in the comments! We always love to hear from you!

To continue learning about U.S. culture and the English language, visit us at EnglishClass101.com. We provide an array of fun and practical learning tools for every learner, including free English vocabulary lists and more insightful blog posts like this one! On our website, you can also chat with fellow English learners or ask for help on our community forums, and with a Premium Plus account, you can begin using our MyTeacher program!

Know that your hard work in learning English will pay off, and you’ll be speaking, reading, and writing English like a native English-speaker before you know it!

Happy Fourth of July!

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Self-Introductions in English: “My Name is…” & Beyond!

So, you’re getting ready for a visit (or stay) in an English-speaking country and are eager to make friends. But in the back of your mind you’re thinking: “I have no idea how to introduce myself in English!”

Self-introductions are the cornerstone of beginning a new relationship. It’s during a self-introduction that you let the other person know all the basics: your name, your age, your occupation, what you enjoy doing in your spare time, and so on. Self-introductions can be difficult and nerve-racking enough in your own language (they are for me, anyway!), so doing them in another language might leave you feeling shy or diffident.

While I can’t help you feel less shy, I can help you feel more prepared for your first few introductions in English. In this article, I’ll be going over how to identify yourself, how to place yourself in society, and how to share personal details with those you want to form a deeper bond with, all in American English.

Table of Contents

  1. Body Language
  2. Identifying Yourself
  3. Placing Yourself in Society
  4. Sharing Personal Details
  5. Bonus: “Favorite” Questions!
  6. “Introduce Myself in English” Essay
  7. Conclusion: How EnglishClass101 Can Help You Master English!

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1. Body Language

Woman Confidently Introducing Herself

There is one thing I want to go over before verbal introductions: body language. Body language is something you can use to your benefit, regardless of your English-language skills.

It’s important to know what your posture, gestures, and facial expressions are telling others about you, and how to use your body language to your advantage. Below is a quick list of things you should do when introducing yourself

  • Smile when introducing yourself. Smiling indicates a positive mood and is likely to make you a more appealing conversation partner.
  • Stand (or sit) up straight. This indicates that you’re confident, comfortable, and ready to engage in a conversation. You can also use this to your benefit by appearing more confident than you really are—and sometimes appearing more confident can help you feel more confident, too!
  • Shake hands. A brief, friendly handshake is one of the most common ways to greet someone in the United States upon first meeting, and can be done with almost anyone you meet, regardless of gender or social status. This is a good way to begin an introduction, particularly in business environments.
  • Maintain eye contact (but not too much). In the United States, most people prefer to speak with someone who’s not “afraid” to look them in the eyes. It’s considered a sign of honesty, trustworthiness, and friendliness to maintain eye contact during a conversation. Maintaining eye contact indicates that you’re listening and interested in the discussion. But be careful not to come off as “creepy” by staring into their eyes for very long periods of time; allow yourself to casually look away from time to time, and be sure to blink. 😉

For a more comprehensive overview of body language in the United States, be sure to read my Body Gestures article!

2. Identifying Yourself

How do you introduce yourself in English? Or better yet, how do you introduce yourself briefly in English? The best way to initiate a conversation is with a cheery “Hi” or “Hey,” and a smile! If you need to do some brushing up on greetings, you can learn more about English greetings in our dedicated article.

1- Stating Your Name

Woman Holding Card with Question Mark in Front of Face

Once you’ve gotten the conversation started with an initial greeting, you can offer your name. There’s a variety of ways you can do this; below I’ve outlined the most common sentence structures with examples.

  • My name is ___ [your name].
    • My name is Jamie.
  • I’m ___ [your name].
    • I’m Ira.
  • My name is ___, or ___ for short.
    • My name is Lillian, or Lily for short.
  • You can call me __.
    • You can call me Bob.

If you want to ask someone else’s name, you can use one of the following sentences:

  • My name is ___. What’s yours?
    • My name is Valerie. What’s yours?
  • May I ask your name?
    • This a more formal way of asking someone’s name and is usually the best option, especially in business environments.
  • What can I call you?
    • This is less formal, but it’s acceptable in most social situations that don’t require a high level of professionalism.

During this stage, also be sure to say “Nice to meet you,” as this is seen as respectful and friendly. If the other person has already said this, you can say “It’s nice to meet you too,” or “Thank you. Likewise.

2- Age

Birthday Cake with Question Mark Candle

In the United States, it’s not very common to ask about someone’s age unless there’s a good reason to. That said, it’s not a taboo either. My recommendation for most social situations is to keep from asking about age unless the person seems to be about the same age as you.

Here are a couple of ways you can ask about someone’s age:

  • I’m ___ [number] years old. How about you?
    • I’m thirty years old. How about you?
  • May I ask how old you are?
  • May I ask your age?
  • How old are you?
    • Note that this is the most informal way of asking someone’s age, but it does sound more natural in speech than the others. This phrase is best used in laid-back, informal environments with people about your own age.

Now, here are the most common ways to answer the question:

  • I’m ___ [number] years old.
    • I’m thirty years old.
  • I’m ___ [age].
    • I’m twenty-five.
  • I turned ___ [age] last ___ [month].
    • I turned twenty last June.
  • I’m turning ___ [age] this ___ [month].
    • I’m turning forty-three this November.

You may find it beneficial to check out our vocabulary list on months as well as my English Numbers article. These resources will give you better footing as you talk about your age!

3- Nationality

Flags of Many Different Countries

In the United States, you may be asked about your nationality, or where you’re from. Here are a few simple ways to answer the question:

  • I’m from ___ English speaking country.
    • I’m from China.
  • I’m ___ [nationality].
    • I’m Norwegian.
  • I came here from ___ English speaking country.
    • I came here from Russia.
  • I’m visiting from ___ English speaking country.
    • I’m visiting from Japan.

For a list of possible nationality answers, check out our vocabulary list on EnglishClass101! Then, simply fill in the blanks with your nationality or home country.

3. Placing Yourself in Society

After you and the person you’re speaking with have established the basics, it’s only natural for the conversation to steer toward what you do. Three major factors of society (and your place in it) are: education, work, and family. Here, I’ll be going over each of these factors.

1- Education: Stating Your School & Major

College Students Taking Notes in Class

If you’re in school, you’ll likely be asked a lot about what school you’re going to and what you’re majoring in. Here are a few basic answers to these questions:

  • I’m a student at ___ [school/college/university].
    • I’m a student at Harvard.
  • I’m studying at ___ [school/college/university].
    • I’m studying at Arizona State University.
  • I’m studying ___ [major].
    • I’m studying Psychology.
  • My major is ___ [major].
    • My major is Food and Nutrition.
  • I haven’t chosen a major yet.

If you recently graduated or are no longer going to school, you can answer like this. Note the use of past-tense verbs in these answers.

  • I used to be a student at ___ [school/college/university].
    • I used to be a student at Harvard.
  • I went to school at ___ [school/college/university].
    • I went to school at Arizona State University.
  • I studied ___ [major].
    • I studied Psychology.
  • I majored in ___ [major].
    • I majored in Food and Nutrition.

Below is a list of popular majors (in no particular order), but you can also take a look at our list of common school subjects for more possibilities!

Creative Writing Psychology
Business Criminal Justice
Management Finance or Accounting
Humanities Design
Nursing Culinary Arts
Food and Nutrition Foreign Languages

2- Stating Profession

In the United States, one of the most common questions and conversation topics is work. When you first meet someone, they’re likely to ask what you do for a living. As you continue to interact with that person, many conversations will likely have to do with work.

Here are a few ways you can respond to someone after they ask about your profession:

  • I work at ___ [company or business name].
    • I work at NASA.
  • I’m working at ___ [company or business name].
    • I’m working at Apple.
  • I work as a ___ [occupation].
    • I work as an engineer.
  • I work as a ___ [occupation] at ___ [company or business name].
    • I work as an engineer at NASA.
  • I’m a ___ [occupation].
    • I’m a doctor.

Doctor Communicating with Nurse

  • I do ___ [occupation] for a living.
    • I do accounting for a living.
  • I’ve been a ___ [occupation] for ___ [number] years.
    • I’ve been a pilot for thirty years.
  • I’m self-employed.
    • Here, you can also use one of the above sentences to explain what you do while self-employed. You’ll see an example of this in the sample essay section.
  • I’m not currently employed.

To ask about their profession or job, you can use the following sentences:

  • What do you do for a living?
  • What’s your occupation?
  • I’m a ___ [occupation/job title]. What about you?
    • I’m a real estate agent. What about you?

To find your profession, check out our Jobs and Professions vocabulary list! And if you’re looking for a job, be sure to read my article on How to Find a Job in the United States for practical information for your job search.

3- Talking About Family

Family may be the most unique topic in this article, and one that’s both personal and societal. You may or may not be asked about your family during your first conversation with someone. But if you are, and you feel like opening up a little bit, below are a few sentences you can use to talk about your family.

Couple and Their Children Having Picnic at Park

  • I have a big/small family.
    • I have a big family.
  • I have an older/younger brother/sister.
    • I have a younger brother.
  • I have ___ [number] ___ [family member name].
    • I have one sister.
  • I have ___ [number] ___ [family member name] and ___ [number] ___ [family member name].
    • I have two uncles and one aunt.
  • My ___ [family member] is a ___ [occupation].
    • My grandma is a bookkeeper.
  • My ___ [family member] and I are/aren’t very close.
    • My mom and I aren’t very close.

If you’re not comfortable talking about your family, that’s completely fine and the other person will likely understand. You can let them know this as follows:

  • I don’t really like talking about my family. Can we talk about something else?

4. Sharing Personal Details

Usually, a conversation will begin to drift toward lighter, more personal matters after the basics are out of the way. This doesn’t always happen during your first conversation with someone, but the following topics are likely to come up sooner or later.

1- Pets

In the United States, people love (and treat) their pets like family. Don’t be surprised if the person you’re talking with brings up their pets, or wants to know about yours.

  • I have a ___ [pet name] named ___ [its name].
    • I have a bird named Chirpy.
  • I have ___ [number] ___ [pet name].
    • I have two fish.

Black Cat Curious about Goldfish

  • I have a ___ [pet name] and a ___ [different pet name]. Their names are ___ [name] and ___ [name].
    • I have a cat and a lizard. Their names are Lola and Slinky.
  • I have ___ [number] ___ [pet name] and ___ [number] ___ [pet name].
    • I have one cat and one lizard.
  • I used to have a ___ [pet name], but it passed/we gave it away.
    • I used to have a dog, but we gave it away.
  • I don’t have any pets.

For a comprehensive list of popular U.S. pets and other animals, check out our Animals vocabulary list.

2- Hobbies

Many friendships begin when two (or more) people realize they have similar interests. Talking about hobbies or favorite activities is one of the simplest ways to have a deeper conversation with someone. And you never know; you may find yourself a new gym buddy, writing critique group, or fellow foodie.

Here are a few ways to describe what hobbies you’re into and what you enjoy doing in your spare time:

  • I like/enjoy doing ___ [hobby/activity].
    • I enjoy doing free writing.
  • I like/enjoy ___ [hobby/activity].
    • I like drawing.
  • I (do) ___ [hobby/activity] in my free time.
    • I play video games in my free time.

Person Holding Video Game Controller

  • I (do) ___ [hobby/activity] and ___ [hobby/activity] in my free time.
    • I jog and watch TV in my free time.
  • I don’t have any hobbies.

5. Bonus: “Favorite” Questions!

So far, I’ve gone over basic questions and topics that usually come up during introductions. But you may find that people you meet are curious to know more about you and will start asking about your favorite of something (which of something you like the most).

The following questions are commonly asked when people are getting to know each other, and are usually a lot more interesting than talking about work or school. 😉

  • What’s your favorite color?
  • What’s your favorite animal?
  • What’s your favorite subject in school?
  • What’s your favorite movie/TV show?
  • What’s your favorite band/song?
  • What’s your favorite book?
  • What’s your favorite food?
  • What’s your favorite candy/dessert?

These are questions that you can ask your conversation partner as well to keep the conversation going and entertaining! This is also a great way to find similarities (and differences) between you and the person you’re meeting.

6. “Introduce Myself in English” Essay

Someone Writing in Notebook

Can you introduce yourself in English paragraphs using the information in this article? Tell us about yourself in the comments; we look forward to hearing from you!

Here, I’ll write an example “Introduce Myself in English” essay. To introduce myself in English, I might write the following:

Hi! My name is Tabitha, or Tabby for short. I’m turning twenty-one this June, and I’m from the United States. I used to be a student at Lumerit Scholar, and I majored in Creative Writing. I’m self-employed as a writer and editor. I have a big family. I have one sister and one brother. I used to have a cat, but she passed away. I do writing and walking in my free time. My favorite color is blue, my favorite book is The Thorn Birds, and my favorite candy is Reeses’ Peanut Butter Cups.

Note that as your English skills improve and you become more familiar with the language as a whole, your self-introductions will become more fluid and meaningful!

7. Conclusion: How EnglishClass101 Can Help You Master English!

How do you feel about introducing yourself in English now? Are there any more English self-introduction phrases or situations you want to know about? We love hearing from you, and look forward to learning more about you in your essay!

To continue learning English, visit us at EnglishClass101.com! We offer practical learning tools for every learner, ensuring that anyone can master the language. Read more insightful blog posts like this one, study our free English vocabulary lists, and listen to our podcasts on the go! You can also chat with fellow English learners on our community forums, or upgrade to Premium Plus to take advantage of our MyTeacher program and learn English one-on-one with your own teacher!

Know that with enough practice, you can become more than fluent in English—you can start speaking like a native! And EnglishClass101 will be here with study tools and support on every step of your way there.

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How to Celebrate Father’s Day in the United States

What day is Father’s Day?

Similar to Mother’s Day, Fathers Day gives children and entire families the opportunity to show love and appreciation for their fathers. In the United States, people are understanding more and more how important the father role is in a family, and in society. Using this special holiday to honor and thank fathers is the least we can do in return for all they do, round the clock, in their own subtle and fatherly way.

Learn what makes Fathers Day in the United States unique, and how Americans celebrate their fathers and father-figures on this day. In so doing, you’re getting a glimpse into American culture and values, a vital step in learning American English.

At EnglishClass101.com, we hope to make this learning experience both fun and informative!

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1. What is Father’s Day?

Father’s Day is a day to honor one’s father (or father-figure), and to let him know how much you appreciate him. The United States has been celebrating Father’s Day since the early 1900s, supposedly after a mining accident which resulted in the deaths of many men who were fathers.

The role of a father in a child’s life is immeasurable, and his job unending. Americans recognize this—especially during a time when traditional fatherhood is faltering—and so make a point of praising the efforts of fathers in raising their children. And children show their love and gratitude, often through gifts or quality time.

2. When is Fathers Day?

Father's Day Takes Place on a Sunday

Father’s Day in the United States takes place on the third Sunday of June each year. The date varies by year, so when is Father’s Day this year? For your convenience, we’ve provided a list of this holiday’s date for the next ten years.

  • 2019: June 16
  • 2020: June 21
  • 2021: June 20
  • 2022: June 19
  • 2023: June 18
  • 2024: June 16
  • 2025: June 15
  • 2026: June 21
  • 2027: June 20
  • 2028: June 18

3. How Do Americans Celebrate Father’s Day?

Son Giving Father a Card

Father’s Day celebrations vary from family to family, though gift-giving is a common thread throughout the United States. In fact, Big Business tends to take advantage of this holiday for profit—around this time, you’ll find advertisements for Father’s Day gifts, Father’s Day gift ideas, and other pricey Father’s Day ideas to show your father how much you love him.

Other common Father’s Day ideas include taking Dad for a meal out, writing Father’s Day cards that express the full extent of your love and gratitude, and just taking time to join him in activities he likes.

Truly, the bond between child and father is like no other, and when that bond is allowed to flourish, society is all the better for it.

4. Origins of Father’s Day

The idea for Father’s Day in the United States first began in 1909, after a woman named Sonora Dodd shared the idea of honoring fathers following the 1907 West Virginia mining accident. The idea never really caught fire, and over time grew stagnant, until several years later when Dodd finished art school and could once again get the idea circulating.

It took a long time for Fathers Day to become the established holiday it is today, but the time and effort proved successful in the long run. It’s become nearly as popular (from a commercial perspective) as the holiday it was shaped after: Mother’s Day.

5. Useful Vocabulary for Father’s Day in the U.S.

Coffee, Donut, and Greeting Card

Here’s the most important vocabulary you should know for Father’s Day in the United States!

  • Sunday
  • Father
  • Son
  • Daughter
  • Present
  • Dinner
  • Father’s Day
  • Love
  • Greeting card
  • Celebrate
  • Gift certificate

To hear each of these words pronounced and accompanied by relevant images, check out our Father’s Day vocabulary list.


What do you think of Father’s Day in the United States? Does your country celebrate a Father’s Day, and if so, are celebrations similar or very different? Let us know in the comments!

To learn more about culture and holidays in the United States, and of course the English language, visit us at EnglishClass101.com! We provide practical learning tools for every student, and seek to make learning English both a fun and informative experience!

Read more insightful blog posts like this one, study our free English vocabulary lists to expand your word knowledge, and chat with fellow students on our community forums. You can also upgrade to a Premium Plus account to begin using our MyTeacher program, and learn English one-on-one with your own personal teacher!

All of the hard work you put into learning English will pay off, and you’ll be speaking like a native before you know it. And EnglishClass101 will walk with you on each step of your journey to English mastery.

Oh, and Happy Fathers Day! 🙂

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5 Great British Movies to Learn English With

Learning English with EnglishClass101 is fun and easy, we guarantee it. Want to know what else is fun? Watching English movies to improve your language skills! Here are some tips to improve your pronunciation while watching movies in English.

Ways to improve pronunciation

Table of Contents

  1. Why Watch English Movies to Improve Your English?
  2. 5 English Movies for Your Entertainment and Learning
  3. Why Enroll with EnglishClass101.com?

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1. Why Watch English Movies to Improve Your English?

Movie genres

We advise that you watch English movies while learning English, as they provide great tools for mastering the language. These include:

  • Learn to Speak the Way Natives Do. Watching movies and listening to radio shows will help train your ear to accents, pronunciation, and expressions native to the language.
  • Movies Give Cultural Insight. You’re very likely to pick up a lot about the culture associated with a language in movies—a good idea if you plan to travel or work in another country. You can also learn a lot about the history of a culture this way.
  • Gives You Something to Talk About. Movies provide great topics for conversation. And imagine how impressed your English friends will be when they learn that you watch their movies!
  • Watching Movies is Entertaining. Films provide a great break from books and formal learning, which makes the process more enjoyable. Also, we learn more easily when we enjoy the process!
  • Watch The Actors’ Mouths as They Speak. Another definite plus is that you get to watch the faces and mouths of native speakers as they talk. This could give you an idea of how to pronounce certain words and sentences, as well as the context for some idioms and slang.

What are your favorite movies in your language?

2. 5 English Movies for Your Entertainment and Learning

Find these English movies online for streaming, or rent or buy a copy. We also picked out the most famous quotes from these movies to share with you—see if you can spot them while watching! Here are the most common common English vocabulary that you may find in the movies.

Top verbs

Without further ado, here are some of the best English movies to watch while learning the language. Some of its characters are well-known and loved across the world, such as Rowan Atkinson of the Mr. Bean and Johnny English series.

1. Johnny English Movies

A James Bond movie spoof, the Johnny English three-movie series depicts the bungling of an espionage agent with the same name. English is a hapless and error-prone guy, and like Mr. Bean, Atkinson’s other beloved character, Johnny English is famous for his very humorous uselessness in general. This is a great film if you’re into English action movies with a penchant for humor.

Of course, all three films are littered with hilarious, quotable quotes, but this particular line hails from the second Johnny English movie—Reborn (2011):

“I may not know much about golf, Tucker, but I know how to hold the bat.”

2. The Apostle

If you have a taste for something darker, The Apostle is a good choice. Another British-American cinematic collaboration, it’s set in early 19th century Britain. The film relates the strange and disturbing story of a girl who gets held for ransom on a remote island by a religious cult, and her drifter brother Thomas Richardson’s journey to rescue her.

Thomas, played arrestingly well by Dan Stevens, uncovers heinous secrets about the island community, the cult, and its leader, Prophet Malcolm. Not for the faint of heart!

This quote is from the lips of Thomas:

“The promise of the Divine is but an illusion. Nothing in this world is pure…except for Jennifer, my sister.”

3. Love Actually

After watching The Apostle, you may find that you need to sweeten your spirit a bit! That can certainly be accomplished with this captivating, London-based romantic comedy, which has gained a sort of cult-status since its release in the early 2000s.

Sporting a star-studded cast, Love Actually is touted to be a “charming treatise on romance,” and it tells ten interwoven tales of love. A real heart-warmer that’s spot-on for the coming Christmas season, too.

Predictably, this movie is filled with many worthy quotes on love. Here’s one of the most famous, on which the title is based:

“If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around.”

4. The King’s Speech

Another feel-good film is this historical drama based on the character of King George IV, who had to step into the role of the British monarch after his brother abdicated the throne. The movie garnered twelve Oscar nominations, and won four. After delivering a beautifully nuanced performance as the reluctant king with a severe speech impediment, Colin Firth won the award for Best Actor.

The movie’s script is excellent and has many memorable quotes. This one trips from the lips of the king’s speech therapist, Lionel Logue:

“Long pauses are good: they add solemnity to great occasions.”

5. The Full Monty

A golden-oldie British comedy that’ll keep you grinning all the way is this cult classic about a bunch of amateur male strippers.

Set in Sheffield, England, it follows the story of six unemployed Brits who venture into striptease-dancing for urgent cash. Although dealing with rough-around-the-edges characters and half-naked dancing, the film nevertheless manages to steer clear of cheap indelicacy, while remaining hugely entertaining and grounded.

As the guys dance, the ladies in the audience call for ”Full monty!”, which refers to full nudity. But watch and see if they get their wish. Most certainly a don’t-miss!

Addressing the group’s dance teacher, the main character Dave asks:

“We want to know about dancing, that’s all.”

Replies dance teacher Gerald:

”Dancers have coordination, skill, timing, fitness, and grace. Take a long, hard look in the mirror.”

3. Why Enroll with EnglishClass101.com?

We hope that you found a couple of movies to suit your interest on our USA movies list. Memorizing the quotes and watching these entertaining English movies a few times will help you immensely in getting used to the spoken language. However, while this is a great tool, it won’t sharpen your technical and grammatical skills.

For this, you’ll need:

  • Vocabulary learning tools and spaced repetition flashcards
  • Over 1,630 audio and video lessons
  • Detailed PDF lesson notes
  • A lively community forum and lesson discussion
  • Free Word-of-the-Day
  • Mobile apps for iPhone & iPad
  • Even free eBooks!

All of this can be yours through EnglishClass101.com, so don’t wait—enroll now! It takes just seven seconds to sign up for a Free Language Learning Course to see what we’re about. You won’t be sorry…

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Learn English Easily with these USA TV Shows!

When learning a new language, one of the challenges is to understand and communicate with native speakers. The ability to read a language doesn’t guarantee that you’ll understand it when it’s spoken!

For this purpose, watching USA TV shows and movies is an excellent strategy to train your ear. You also get to watch the movement of people’s lips and faces as they talk, offering you further clues as to how a word or phrase is pronounced. Use this tool to perfectly complement your learning with EnglishClass101.com! We hope our list of TV series to learn English proves helpful to you!

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Table of Contents

  1. The Big Bang Theory
  2. Modern Family
  3. The Good Place
  4. Schitt’s Creek
  5. Brooklyn Nine Nine
  6. Black-ish
  7. Game of Thrones
  8. The Haunting of Hill House
  9. Suits
  10. How to Get Away with Murder
  11. Conclusion

1. The Big Bang Theory

If you’re looking to watch American TV shows for a good laugh, The Big Bang Theory is a good place to start.

Released in 2006, this is America’s longest multi-camera comedy show ever aired. It showcases the relationships, lives, and foibles of six brilliant but socially awkward scientists, and their ‘ordinary’ but very grounded friend.

Season twelve was recently released, and will see the end of The Big Bang Theory, unfortunately. Nearly all the actors gained considerable fame through the series, and are greatly in demand for other projects. This is especially true for Jim Parsons, who plays Sheldon Cooper, a character so popular that he now has his own prequel show titled Young Sheldon.

USA TV Show Trivia

Mayim Bialik, who plays Amy Farrah Fowler, is the only cast member with a real PhD, which she received in 2008 for neuroscience.

2. Modern Family

Another wildly popular, and award-winning American TV show is Modern Family, which was released in 2009 and airs on ABC (American Broadcasting Company).

Modern Family depicts the inner workings of a (very) blended family. The show features the Pritchett-Dunphy-Tucker family and follows them through their personal struggles in making their family situations work.

This kaleidoscope of a family comprises of Jay and his much-younger Latina wife Gloria (each with a child of their own, which they’re raising together), another couple with three grown children (the eldest of whom still lives at home), and a homosexual couple who have adopted a child from Vietnam. As can be imagined, each character experiences an array of difficulties and struggles throughout the course of the show.

Modern Family is certainly a fitting name for this show, as it reflects the increasing number of similarly blended families in the United States today. Seeing as blended-family life certainly comes with its hardships, Americans have come to love this show as it sometimes touches on their own struggles.

USA TV Show Trivia

Luke Dunphy, played by Nolan Gould, is the family dunce and often the target of pranks and jokes. However, in real life, Gould is a Mensa-member genius, with an IQ of 150.

3. The Good Place

If you like slightly quirky and offbeat television shows, The Good Place will probably be a good fit for you! The show sports some well-established and well-loved actors, including Ted Danson and Kristen Bell.

Eleanor Shellstrop, played excellently by Bell, wakes up to find herself dead and in The Good Place, as opposed to the Bad Place. Initially relieved, she soon finds out that she’s not supposed to be there. Of course, much hilarity and drama ensues.

USA TV Show Trivia

During the first season of The Good Place, the characters eat what seems like gallons of frozen yogurt. However, on set, the yogurt was actually mashed potatoes!

4. Brooklyn Nine Nine

Another USA network TV show, Brooklyn Nine Nine was first aired on Fox TV in 2013. This hilarious police show is a multiple award nominee, and winner of two Golden Globes.

The show deals with the brilliant but immature and goofy detective, Jake Peralta, working in Brooklyn’s 99th Precinct, who’s constantly at odds with his commanding officer, Ray Holt.

USA TV Show Trivia

In the show, the characters of Jake and Gina are childhood friends. Interestingly, the actors who play these roles have actually known each other since childhood!

5. Schitt’s Creek

If you’re looking to watch English TV shows that had a strong start, this is another hugely entertaining, popular family sitcom, aired for the first time in 2015. It tells the story of the Rose family, who suddenly finds themselves utterly broke after patriarch and video-store magnate Johnny Rose, loses everything. Definitely not used to being so poor, they move to a small town called Schitt’s Creek to deal with their misfortune, and remake themselves and their world.

The show has won numerous ACRA awards, and has been nominated for over twenty-four.

USA TV Show Trivia

Goodwood, Ontario, is a small town where all the outside scenes of the series are shot. The locals have embraced the series and all became “proud citizens of Schitt’s Creek,” says Eugene Levy, who plays John Rose, and is one of the creators, “They had a minor league kind of baseball team there that actually changed their name from the Goodwood Bears to the Schitt’s Creek Bears for an entire month.”

6. Black-ish

This African American TV show deals with an African-American family living in a predominantly white, upper middle-class neighborhood. While they don’t struggle financially, the family battles to find and keep their cultural identity, often with very funny effects.

While a sitcom, the show doesn’t shy away from difficult topics such as racial slurs and police brutality.

USA TV Show Trivia

Show creator Kenya Barris claimed that the series is semi-biographical, with some very direct parallels between his own life and those of the fictional Johnson’s lives. For instance, Rainbow Johnson, the show’s matriarch, is a biracial anesthesiologist. Just like Barris’ real wife—an anesthesiologist with a black mother and a white father, whose name is also Rainbow.

7. Game of Thrones

No list of great TV shows in the USA would be complete without mentioning Game of Thrones! Based on George R.R. Martin’s best-selling book series, “A Song of Ice and Fire,” this fantasy epic show has captured the hearts and minds of millions across the globe. The plot is Shakespearean and simple—two powerful families locked in a feud for the Iron Throne and control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

Replete with acts of unbelievable violence and shocking discoveries, this is not a bedtime story for the faint-hearted.

USA TV Show Trivia

Remember the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the well-loved character Gandalf? Well, a replica of Gandalf’s famous sword has found a home in the Iron Throne on the Game of Thrones set!

8. The Haunting of Hill House

Currently considered one of the best American TV shows on Netflix, The Haunting of Hill House follows the story of the Crain siblings who were raised in a very strange house, and its disturbing effects on them even years afterward.

Based on the famous novel with the same title by Shirley Jackson, this series will keep you nailed to the couch episode after episode. It sports accomplished stars such as Oscar-winning Timothy Hutton, and also draws outstanding performances from the child actors.

USA TV Show Trivia

Stephen King, a well-known author of horror and thriller novels, called The Haunting of Hill House “close to a work of genius.” Watch the eerie trailer, and be sure not to miss the series!

9. Suits

For tension of a different kind, Suits provides high drama against the backdrop of corporate law in Manhattan. Following the story of Harvey Specter and his team, this enduring series continues to fascinate and enthrall with a sharp script and relatable themes of betrayal, crime, and, of course, secrets.

Currently, in its mid-season break, Season Eight’s Episode 11 is expected to air next year.

USA TV Show Trivia

Until Season Seven, the character of Rachel was played by the lovely actress Meghan Markle, the new wife of England’s Duke of Windsor, Prince Harry.

10. How to Get Away with Murder

How to Get Away with Murder follows the story of brilliant Annalise Keating, a law professor at a prestigious Philadelphia university. After becoming involved in an accidental murder with her students, their wits and viewers’ nerves are tested in a tightly-scripted relationship drama currently in its fifth season. If you want to watch an American drama, you’re bound to enjoy this one.

Annalise Keating is played by Oscar- and Tony award-winning actress Viola Davis.

USA TV Show Trivia

It’s a little known fact that Viola Davis, the show’s brilliant lead, grew up in extreme poverty and often had to rummage through dumpsters for something to eat.

11. Conclusion

So, now you know that learning English can be very entertaining and relaxing! Allow yourself to be captivated by interesting stories, while your ears grow used to how the language is spoken.

You can even try memorizing the script, and rewatching scenes while ‘acting’ with the actors! This way, you get to practice your accent too. You’ll soon sound like a native!

We truly hope that our list of American TV shows of 2018 has given you a good place to start, so that you can effectively watch TV to learn English.

Alternatively, you can also listen to the audio books made available for free on EnglishClass101.com. The more you expose yourself to spoken English, the sooner you’ll understand natives, and speak like one too.

You can also power your studies with the Innovative Language TV channel, or an Android app to build your vocabulary.

Our goal is to help you learn English correctly, easily, and in the most fun ways possible. Don’t wait; sign up today!

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How to Celebrate Star Wars Day: May the Fourth Be with You.

Star Wars: A sci-fi trilogy that was first scoffed at before proving to be a creative success—and one that would continue to be successful for many years.

Each year, National Star Wars Day is celebrated (unofficially) as a day to commemorate the Star Wars series and the rich world that embodies it. A film trilogy that went beyond what was normal and enriched the life of many a viewer, Star Wars leaves those familiar with it “quotable” quotes and iconic characters (like Princess Leia).

But what day is Star Wars Day, really?

Let EnglishClass101.com teach you all you need to know about this ever-growing United States holiday. We hope to make it both fun and informative. So let’s get started!

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1. What is Star Wars Day?

Star Wars Day. May the Fourth be with you…

In the United States, fans of this sci-fi trilogy celebrate Star Wars Day, for no other reason than the aforementioned phrase. You see, one of the most popular phrases in the trilogy is, “May the Force be with you,” which can be altered to reflect the date May Fourth. And so someone with too much time on their hands to think about this made Star Wars Day a thing (one of the first times the Fourth was mentioned this way was in 1979!).

True fans of the Star Wars trilogy also use Star Wars Day to celebrate the creation of these movies and “nerd out,” if you will. And people everywhere will repeat the notorious phrase…

2. When is it?

A Galaxy Far, Far Away

Each year on May 4, National Star Wars Day is observed (May the fourth be with you!).

3. How is it Celebrated?

Yoda with Lightsaber

As Star Wars Day is an unofficial holiday in the United States, there’s no established way to celebrate it (and some people forego it altogether!).

If you’re in the U.S. on May 4, though, expect to be greeted with a hearty “May the Fourth be with you,” at every turn. Aside from this phrase, celebrations may include Star Wars-themed parties, watching a Star Wars marathon, playing Star Wars games, or baking cookies shaped like Star Wars characters. Further, social media is bound to be filled with hashtags galore about Star Wars Day!

4. Additional Information: George Lucas

Did you know that the creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, faced numerous struggles during the creation process? In particular, he was notorious for writing poor dialogue; he grew frustrated that he needed help, thus limiting his creative abilities. On top of this, he faced strong criticism concerning Star Wars as a whole; people thought it wouldn’t market well.

But despite these struggles and frustrations, Lucas managed to create a very successful trilogy—one worthy of having its own special day each year, upheld by diehard fans.

Hopefully Lucas’s struggles and successes will give you encouragement and boost your confidence. You don’t have to be perfect to truly make a mark and reach your dreams.

5. Must-know Vocab


Here’s some vocabulary you should know for Star Wars Day!

  • Spaceship
  • Galaxy
  • Planet
  • Star Wars
  • Darth Vader
  • Jedi Knight
  • Luke Skywalker
  • I am your father.
  • These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
  • Use the Force!
  • May the Force be with you.
  • Yoda
  • Lightsaber
  • Han Solo
  • Stormtrooper
  • Chewbacca
  • Trilogy
  • I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
  • A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
  • I find your lack of faith disturbing.
  • Do. Or do not. There is no try.
  • Princess Leia
  • Traitor!
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Darth Maul

To hear each vocabulary word pronounced, check out our Star Wars Day vocabulary list, where you’ll find each word accompanied by an audio file of its pronunciation. You’ll also find images of these unique (and sometimes fictional) words!


What do you think about National Star Wars Day? Does your country celebrate Star Wars Day too, or maybe a similar secular holiday? Let us know in the comments!

To learn more about culture in the United States and the English language, visit us at EnglishClass101.com. You’ll find just the study materials you need to master English and start speaking like a native! From insightful blog posts to free vocabulary lists to strengthen your word knowledge, we have something for every English learner. You can also use our forum to discuss lessons with fellow students, or gain a one-on-one learning experience with our MyTeacher program!

Know that your hard work and determination will soon reap benefits, and it’s all worthwhile. EnglishClass101.com will be for every step of your language-learning journey!

Until next time, Happy National Star Wars Day!

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How to Celebrate Easter Sunday in the United States

Easter Sunday is one of the most popular and vastly celebrated holidays in the United States. Christians take Easter to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, while the secular population finds numerous ways to enjoy this popular holiday with family and friends.

By learning about the meaning of Easter Sunday to Americans, as well as how it’s celebrated across the country, you’re also getting a glimpse of American culture—both the religious and the secular. This, in turn, will lay down for you another stepping stone in your journey to mastering the English language.

At EnglishClass101.com, we hope to make this a fun experience as you learn about the Easter bunny, Easter eggs, and the religious side of this holiday. Let’s get started!

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1. What is Easter Sunday?

Easter Sunday, one of the most prevalent holidays in the United States, is celebrated by both religious and non-religious citizens. Secular events, as well as family celebrations and traditions, take place all across the country. Christians celebrate the holiday to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and do this through special events all through the weekend.

2. When is Easter?

Tulip Against White Background

What day is Easter on, and when is Easter this year? The date of Easter Sunday varies each year. For your convenience, here’s a list of this holiday’s date for the next ten years.

  • 2019: April 21
  • 2020: April 12
  • 2021: April 4
  • 2022: April 17
  • 2023: April 9
  • 2024: March 31
  • 2025: April 20
  • 2026: April 5
  • 2027: March 28
  • 2028: April 16

3. How is it Celebrated?

Easter Eggs

Due to the diversity of denominations in the United States, there are various Easter Sunday traditions across the country. For instance, some people hold a vigil for the entire night before Easter.

In the United States, both the religious and non-religious celebrate Easter Sunday. Whether or not they attend any church, most people in the United States enjoy spending time with family and enjoying large feasts together. While some people observe Easter Sunday for its religious significance, others simply see it as a celebration of spring’s beginning.

On the religious side of it, many people attend church services on Easter Sunday. There are some churches that put on special parades for the holiday, while others put together simple get-togethers for its members, such as a picnic or potluck, to enjoy good food and Easter desserts.

Secular events include hunting for Easter eggs as well as other activities for children. These events aren’t necessarily religious and anyone is invited to participate. Oftentimes, community events take place for this notable holiday when people like getting together.

More symbols of this holiday include the Easter Bunny, eggs, and flowers. Additional symbols related to spring are associated with Easter, and are still important traditions for this particular holiday.

4. Additional Information: Sunrise Service

Many churches hold service before daybreak, often called a “Sunrise Service.” During these services, Christians arrive before the predawn hours and hold the service as the sun rises. Many people consider this a powerful symbol.

5. Must-know Vocab

Decorating Easter Eggs

Here are some vocabulary words and phrases you should know for Easter Sunday in the United States!

  • Candy: Many people put candy inside of colored plastic Easter eggs, as a sweet gift for the person who finds it.
  • Easter: Easter is usually a shortened term for Easter Sunday.
  • Rabbit: Rabbits have long been associated with the Easter holiday in the United States, largely because they begin emerging during the spring.
  • Chocolate: As most children (and adults!) can attest to, chocolate is a favorite candy to find hidden inside an Easter egg.
  • Egg: Eggs are another symbol associated with Easter, likely because they represent new life (many Christians also associate an egg as being like a tomb, like the one Jesus was buried in before his resurrection).
  • Tulip: The tulip is yet another symbol of Easter.
  • Chick: Chicks, like rabbits, are associated with Easter largely because of their cuteness and because they symbolize new life at the beginning of spring.
  • Lamb: The lamb is a symbol of Easter for more than one reason. First of all, Jesus is considered by Christians to be the “Lamb of God,” and so the lamb is associated with this concept. Further, a lamb is the offspring of a sheep, once again reflecting the concept of new life in spring.
  • Hide Easter eggs: Hiding Easter eggs is a favorite activity among many American families during Easter. These eggs are the same colored plastic ones mentioned above, filled with candy. Sometimes these are hidden all around a family’s home, sometimes outside, and sometimes in large fields or similar areas for many families’ children to search at once.
  • Look for Easter eggs: Children (and sometimes adults!) look for the hidden Easter eggs to enjoy the candy inside.
  • Hard-boiled egg: Some families like to hard-boil eggs, either for eating or to dye them different colors for fun.
  • Easter egg hunt: When children search for hidden Easter eggs, this is called an “Easter egg hunt.”
  • Easter egg: An “Easter egg” in the United States usually refers to a piece of plastic shaped like an egg, and is usually pastel-colored. People like to put candy (or sometimes money!) inside of them, to hide for their children to find.
  • Easter Bunny: The “Easter Bunny” is an imaginary creature that many parents tell their children about to help bring fun to Easter. It’s often said that the Easter Bunny is the one who lays and hides the Easter eggs.
  • Easter basket: An “Easter basket” can mean either a high-end, lovely basket (usually woven) or a more low-end plastic basket (or bucket) used for decoration or collecting Easter eggs.
  • Dye eggs: Dying eggs is another favorite tradition among some United States families on Easter. Sometimes the eggs are hard-boiled beforehand, but oftentimes they’re dyed raw. People enjoy dying them pastel colors.
  • Decorate: People like to decorate for Easter, and this is usually done with things of pastel colors and Easter symbols.
  • Jellybean: “Jellybeans” are another common Easter egg candy, and are sometimes considered more practical to use than chocolate since they won’t melt as easily sitting out in the hot sun. These are chewy and come in numerous flavors.

To hear each word and phrase pronounced, check out our Easter Sunday vocabulary list. Here, you’ll find each word accompanied by an audio of its pronunciation.


We hope you enjoyed learning about Easter Sunday in the United States with us! Does your country celebrate Easter? What do Easter celebrations look like in your country? Let us know in the comments!

To learn even more about United States culture and the English language, visit us at EnglishClass101.com! We offer an array of insightful blog posts, free vocabulary lists, and an online community to discuss lessons with English learners. You can also upgrade to Premium Plus to take advantage of our MyTeacher program and learn English with your own personal English teacher!

At EnglishClass101.com, we hope to make your learning journey more fun, while providing you with the information and support you need to master the English language. Know that your hard work will pay off, and before you know it, you’ll be speaking like a native.

In the meantime, please do have a happy Easter!

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How to Find a Job in the USA

If you plan on moving from your home country to the United States, one of the most important things is finding a good job. Maybe that’s what’s pulling you to the U.S. in the first place! Either way, you don’t want to start your life in a new and exciting country struggling to find work.

We’re sure that while you plan your move, there are dozens of other things for you to worry over and focus your energy on. So we thought we’d make it easier for you to find a job in the USA by providing you with useful information and helpful tips to give you some footing in the often overwhelming world of job hunting.

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Woman Looking Through Binoculars

Without further ado, here’s our guide on how to find a job in the USA.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Get a Job in the USA? What to Expect.
  2. Best Cities to Find a Job in the USA
  3. Finding Jobs Based on Type
  4. Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviews
  5. Conclusion

1. Why Get a Job in the USA? What to Expect.

Getting a job anywhere can be both beneficial and frightening. So how does this apply to finding work in America?

1- Benefits

You may have heard the United States referred to as The Land of Opportunity; it’s often called this for good reason. Not only is there an array of potential job and career opportunities across the country, but also several paths to access them. Most jobs in the United States are readily attainable via the following:

  • Job hunting websites
  • Employment organizations

By utilizing any of the above tools, you can prepare to land yourself just about any job, assuming you have the skills, experience, and passion to carry it out well. And with these jobs come a range of benefits, some guaranteed no matter your field of work (and others variable across jobs and companies):

  • Health insurance (varies)
  • Dental insurance (varies)
  • Vision insurance (varies)
  • Life insurance (varies)
  • Disability insurance
  • Minimum wage + Overtime opportunities
  • Unemployment benefits + Workers compensation

This list offers just a glimpse of what you can expect to gain from working in the United States.

2- What You Need

Indeed, there are certain privileges associated with working in the U.S. But for a foreigner hoping to find work here, there are some key qualifications that are required of them. These include:

  • Green card
  • EAD (Employment Authorization Document)
  • A visa associated with the job you’ll be taking

When it comes to visas, we know that things can get a little bit hazy and confusing. It may be a good idea to brush up on the different work visas so that you know which one you should apply for.

Now that you have a little more info under your belt, let’s continue forward and learn more about how to attain jobs in the United States, based on type. Keep in mind that these are job-hunting skills you can ultimately take anywhere, and they’ll save you from a miserable time struggling to find work in a new country.

2. Best Cities to Find a Job in the USA

Map of United States

While looking for a job in America, it’ll be immensely helpful for you to know where to look.

If you already know where in the United States you’ll be relocating to, you probably have a good idea already of what work is available there. But if you’ve yet to make a firm decision, or have no idea where to start, you may find this short list of U.S. cities with the highest job demand quite helpful.

Note that there’s a lot of work available in the state of California in particular, perhaps making it the best place to find work in America in terms of job volume (though we’re sure you’ll want to consider multiple factors apart from this in your search).

Here are just a few of the best places to find work in the US, according to The Job Network:

  • San Jose, CA
  • San Francisco, CA
  • San Diego, CA
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Sacramento, CA
  • Boston, MA
  • Minneapolis, MN
  • Miami, FL
  • Seattle, WA
  • Washington, D.C.

One thing that the majority of U.S. states and cities share in common is this: They’re nearly all looking for skilled workers in the Health/Science/Technology realm; this seems to be especially true of California. So if you happen to work in this field already, or are interested in beginning, moving to the United States for work may be just the right move for you.

3. Finding Jobs Based on Type

As stated earlier, the United States is a country with good job opportunities in numerous fields. These range from blue-collar jobs to those in teaching, and of course, Health/Science/Technology.

It’s important to know what to expect when searching for jobs in any of these fields:

  • What’s the best way to find these jobs?
  • Which cities have high demand for these types of jobs?
  • What do I need to attain these jobs?

Let’s go through and try to answer your questions for each job category so that you can more easily find a job in the USA.

1- Teaching Jobs in the USA

Choosing to teach is a noble endeavor, and one of lasting value.Tack on to that the fact that there’s a large need for language teachers throughout the United States, and you’ve framed for yourself a couple of good reasons to pursue a teaching career in the U.S.—whether for the long- or short-term.

First things first, here’s a quick list of possible vehicles for finding the most ideal teaching job for yourself:

  • USA Employment: A program that helps teachers from other countries find short-term teaching jobs in the United States.
  • Indeed.com: This popular job-hunting site features numerous job postings for foreign language teachers. Definitely worth checking out.
  • SimplyHired.com: Another website with a good array of foreign language teaching job postings.
  • Glassdoor.com: One of the most popular U.S. job-searching sites, Glassdoor is a good place to look for quality teaching jobs.
  • LinkedIn.com: A LinkedIn account is a great tool for finding a good job in any field, and is especially geared toward professionals (like teachers!).

Writing on Chalk Board

Hopefully, utilizing the above tools will help you stumble upon the kind of job opportunities you’re looking for. But that’s only part of the journey. Next, you’ll have to make sure you meet a few specific qualifications for teaching in the United States:

  • Bachelor’s degree (or higher for more opportunities)
  • Teaching training
  • Prior experience
  • EAC (Employment Authorization Card)
  • Work visa (H-1B)

Once you have everything set in order—be patient!—you should have a much easier time attaining the teaching job you want in the United States.

2- Blue-collar Jobs in the USA

You can find some decent and high-paying blue-collar jobs in the United States as a foreigner. You’ll find that if your skillset is fine-tuned and specialized, you can find a niche blue-collar job you’ll enjoy. Here are a few good sites to get you started on your search:

  • Bluecollarjobs.us: This site provides good information in graph form of how each state compares in terms of blue-collar job availability. You’ll also find useful information about the various fields within this industry in its “commentary” section.
  • Bluecollarjobs.com: Working with CareerBuilder, this site specializes in helping people find the best blue-collar jobs for themselves.
  • Bluecollarcrossing.com: Here you’ll find a slighter broader range of blue-collar jobs in the United States.
  • Glassdoor.com: This is a good site for finding just about any job.
  • Indeed.com: Here you can find a nice variety of blue-collar work currently available throughout the country.
  • LinkedIn.com: Creating a LinkedIn account and making connections can help you find a blue-collar job with your name on it.


There are a few requirements for working a blue-collar job in the United States, which are pretty standard across careers:

  • Work visa
  • Green card
  • Work permit
  • Social security card
  • Verification (through an I-9 form)

3- Health/Science/Technology Jobs in the USA

This industry is pretty high in demand throughout the United States, particularly in the state of California. You’ll also find that Seattle, WA and Boston, MA are good areas of the country to find health, science, or technology jobs.

Your best bet when looking for jobs in this field in general, is probably Indeed.com. However, if you’re looking for something specific or want to work for a large company, these may be good options for you to look into:

  • Google: Google is Google. This is a company with some pretty lucrative positions; if you’ve got the stuff and a desire to work with a company like this, pursuing a career with Google may be a great option for you.
  • Apple: Everyone knows Apple, and finding a job with this top-notch company may be a good direction to take in your technology-geared career.
  • Labs: Maybe you’re more interested in finding a career that allows you to experiment and work alongside others for the greater good. The United States has lots of lab jobs available to foreigners.
  • Hospitals: If your heart and experience lead you to the healthcare industry, you can find several great job openings on HospitalCareers.com.

The standard requirements for health, science, and technology jobs in the United States are roughly similar to those for other types of jobs—though keep in mind that it’s good to be fluent in English, and you’ll need relevant education and experience to pick up one of these much-needed jobs.

4- Part-time Jobs in the USA

Depending on your circumstances and work preferences, a part-time job may be more up your alley than a full-time job. The options here are boundless, as part-time jobs in the USA can be had in just about any field of work.

In particular, part-time jobs in tourism seem to be in high demand in highly traveled-to U.S. cities such as Miami, FL. Here are a few good websites for finding good tourism jobs in the United States:

  • Jobs.goabroad.com: Here you’ll find some fascinating tourism-related jobs just about anywhere in the world. You may want to check out this website, especially if the United States won’t be the last stop on your journey.
  • Indeed.com: This website features several openings for tourism jobs in the United States.
  • Glassdoor.com: Of course, you can also find a few great tourism jobs on Glassdoor.com.

5- Freelancing, Self-employment, and Owning a Business

Man Sitting and Writing at Desk

The United States offers unique opportunities to those who wish to begin a freelancing career, become self-employed, or start/expand their small business. In this country that’s largely focused on the individual and the magic of becoming one’s best, the concept of “working for yourself” is being lived out by more and more people.

This said, it’s not too hard to find remote jobs in the USA, as long as you have the experience, skills, and equipment required.

If this is a direction you’re interested in heading in, know that the road may be tough (especially as a foreigner) but the rewards will be well worth the success you can reach.

If you’re looking to start or invest in a business in the United States, you will want to look into one of the following visas:

  • E-2 Visa
  • EB-5 Visa

The two differ in terms of requirements and expectations, so you may want to brush up on starting your business in the USA.

4. Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviews

You now know where to find jobs in the United States and have more information on how to find a job in America as a foreigner. But the search itself is not enough. The art of communication via your resume, cover letter, and the interview(s) will have to carry you the rest of the way.

1- Resumes in the United States

Each resume should follow a certain set of basic characteristics and rules. Here are a few:

  • Contact Information: This includes your full name, your address, your phone number, and your email address (if desired). Depending on the type of resume you’re writing and the job you’re after, you can also include a title for yourself (e.g. “Writer,” “Marketing Associate,” or “Sous chef”).
  • One page: Let’s call this the Golden Rule of resumes. If at all possible, keep everything on just one page, as anything longer is more likely than not to bore your potential employer (or leave them unimpressed). What’s more impressive than the efficiency and precision of a one-page resume?
  • Education/Experience first: Depending on your past experience in the job market (or lack thereof), your education or experience information should be the first thing (after your name and contact information). If you’re just out of school or currently a student without much work experience, put your education information first; if you do have prior work experience, be sure to include that first instead.
  • Relevant Skills: After you’ve put down the information on your education and experience, the next thing you should include are your relevant skills. What are you good at or knowledgeable about that makes you ideal for this position? This information should typically be in bullet list format, with 3-5 bullets.
  • Serves as Outline for Cover Letter: When crafting your resume, keep in mind that it should also serve as the outline for the next step: your cover letter. Everything in your cover letter will be drawn out and highlighted in your cover letter, to further impress your potential employer and help them get to know you better before the interview.

Also keep in mind that there are three basic types of resumes, and the one you choose to do will depend largely on your past experience and what field you’re going into. Here they are (with links to an example of what each one should basically look like and how to write it):

2- Cover Letters in the United States

Essentially, the cover letter is designed to fill in the details of your resume, and to expand upon it. It’s important to do this as concisely as possible, and in such a way that exudes confidence and interest in the company or position you’re applying for. Following the same suit of the resume, this should be only one page.

In the top left-hand corner of the page, you’ll need to address the person you’re contacting about the job. You do this by typing their name, their job title, and then the company’s address.

Start your cover letter with something along the lines of “Dear Mr. (Mrs.) Name,” insert a couple of line breaks, and begin writing.

Ensure that there’s enough room at the end of your letter for you to sign. You do this by typing something along the lines of “Sincerely,” inserting three to four line breaks to create white space, then typing out your full name. Once the page is printed out, sign your name with a pen in the white space between “Sincerely” and your typed name.

3- Interviewing in the United States

It’s easy to put things down on paper, but sometimes harder to write them in your body language and tone of voice. Once you’ve made it to the interview stage, it means your resume and cover letter sparked interest in your potential employer. The interview should reiterate your value to the company.

Honestly, the types of questions you can expect to be asked during your interview depends on several factors, from the company’s values, to your potential employer’s personality, and even what you put in your resume and cover letter.

1. Questions

When learning how to find a job in the USA, it’s important that you’re introduced to a few basic questions that seem to be asked almost universally, for the majority of jobs in the United States. These include, but aren’t limited to:

  • What are your strengths/weaknesses?
  • Why are you looking for a job? / Why did you quit your last job?
  • What interests you about this job?
  • What previous job was most like this one, and why?
  • Do you have any questions?

However, some employers or companies have different standards when it comes to the interviewing process. So you may want to prepare yourself for some offbeat questions, especially if you plan on applying for a position with a large company.

Also, remember that you’ll definitely want to be fluent in the English language for this interview, as this will simplify the process as a whole and earn you some brownie points.

2. Dress

No matter the country you’re in, the way one dresses speaks volumes about that person. And a job interview is the most important situation in which to ensure you make a good impression through your physical appearance.

“Professional” is the key word when preparing to dress for an interview. This may look slightly different depending on the type of job you’re after, but the following is pretty typical for the majority of United States jobs:

  • Males:
    • Suit, tie, dress pants, and nice shoes.
  • Females:
    • Nice (and modest) blouse, dress pants or skirt at least knee-length, and nice shoes.

More things to be mindful of:

  • Make sure your hair is tidy (including your facial hair)
  • Jewelry is fine, but don’t overdo it
  • A smile goes a long way

5. Conclusion

To find a job in the United States can be stressful for anyone, and requires more than its fair share of patience; this may be especially true as a foreigner coming to work here. We hope that this article was helpful to you and provided you with the information you need on how to get a job in the USA.

If you’re looking to improve your English language skills or want to learn more about the culture in the United States, EnglishClass101.com has plenty of information for you. From vocabulary lists to articles on U.S. culture, we have everything you need to make the most of your English-learning endeavors. If you’re the on-the-go type, also be sure to check out our mobile apps!

We know that to find a job in America for foreigners can be downright difficult. But with the right knowledge and enough practice, we know you’ll not only master the language, but find success in your career pursuit in the United States! We wish you the best of luck.

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