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Useful Phrases for a Hair Salon
20 words
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Useful Phrases for a Hair Salon
20 words
I would like a simple haircut.
Can I have a shave?
I have to visit the stylist.
I need to speak to the hairdresser.
I want to try something different today.
Can I request a different shampoo?
My hair is damaged, can I have it fixed?
I would just like a trim.
Could you cut a little bit more?
Could you straighten my hair?
I don't have an appointment, do you have time today?
I would like to dye my hair.
What kind of hairstyle do you recommend?
Can you make it look like this picture?
I would like to change my hair color.
Can you show me different hairstyles?
Can I get a mohawk?
I'd like a cut and blow-dry.
Around what time will we be finished?
Does this price include shampoo?