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How to Crush Your English Learning Goals and Overcome Setbacks on the Road to Mastery?

Discover why learning goals are so vital to learning English and overcoming the inevitable setbacks you will encounter on your way to mastering the language.

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If you want to crush your learning goals, you will need a good study strategy.
And you would just benefit from tips and advice to learn English the best way.

This Cheat Sheet is a MUST-HAVE for all English learners!

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This is a must-have guide for beginners and intermediate learners.

Table of Contents

1. Are Strategic Goals More Important Than Your Internal Motivation?


People are motivated to learn English or any second language for any number of reasons, including personal enrichment, better career opportunities, or even meeting new people. However, unlike simpler goals which may only take a week or two to complete, learning a new language takes time and there will be occasional setbacks and failures. So to reach your overall objective of mastering English, you need to learn how to motivate yourself and stay focused on the bigger picture. To do so, it is vital to set specific strategic goals with an action plan. Let’s now take a closer look at how setting goals impacts learning, and be sure to keep reading to learn how to get a free language learning goals list so you can get started today!

2. 3 Reasons Learning Goals Are Vital to Success


Learning goals

Setting Attainable “Strategic Goals” Helps Reduce Stress

Learning the entire English language well enough to carry on full conversations with native speakers is certainly a goal. But with this as your primary objective, there is a long period of time between the time the goal is set and when it can be realistically attained. The problem is that a failure to achieve an objective creates stress that can build until you either reach the learning goal or quit. The solution is to set more realistic strategic learning objectives that are easier to attain but still keep you on track to learning English. Here are some examples of strategic learning objectives that you might set on your way to mastering English:

  • Study English for 10 Minutes Every Day
  • Complete 1 Lesson or Chapter Each Week
  • Learn 20 New English Words Each Week
  • Complete 1 Lesson or Chapter Each Week
  • Or Even Learn 1 New English Word Each Day

The key here is that your learning goals and objectives need to be very concise, attainable, and relevant to your overall objective. As long as you can see tangible progress towards your overall goal of learning English, your stress levels will be lower and you are far more likely to succeed.

Specific Learning Goals Help Adjust Your Daily Routine

To learn a new language or virtually any new skill, you will ultimately need to make adjustments to your daily/weekly routine. Simply telling yourself that you want to be able to speak fluent English probably won’t force you to alter your daily or weekly routines. But when your strategic goals include learning a new word each day or a lesson every week, you are forced to alter your schedule to reach the goal or risk certain failure. Although altering your schedule may cause some minor degree of stress at first, the added motivation you get from achieving goals quickly eliminates any initial discomfort. And the more strategic goals you complete each day or week, the faster you can achieve your larger goal of mastering the language.

Helps You Adjust to Inevitable Setbacks and Failures

Inevitably, the key to achieving goals includes learning how to deal with the inevitable setbacks and failures. The great part about setting smaller, attainable strategic learning goals is that you can occasionally miss your objective but quickly make up for it. So if you can’t finish a English lesson one week, it’s entirely possible to either learn the lesson the following week—or even do two lessons the following week to make up for the initial failure. The point is that failing to achieve smaller, strategic learning goals won’t kill your motivation or derail your overall objectives.

3. 3 Ways EnglishClass101 Helps You Crush Your Learning Goals


Success key

Custom Learning Paths Based Upon Your Specific Goals

Learning Paths are designed to help you reach your specific learning objectives by providing you with step-by-step strategic goals. So, imagine you were about to travel and just wanted to learn enough essential English to navigate any potential emergency situations you might encounter. EnglishClass101 has created a custom Learning Path for your goal that includes just 10 lessons, or strategic learning objectives. Once you complete the 10 lessons, your larger overall learning goal is complete! Learning Paths are one of the most powerful features at EnglishClass101 and help you quickly and efficiently achieve larger learning goals and objectives.

Over 20 Advanced Learning Tools and Resources

For Premium and Premium PLUS members, EnglishClass101 offers more than 20 advanced learning tools to make it easier than ever to reach and achieve your goals.

  • Teacher Feedback & Comments for Every Lesson
  • Full Lesson Transcripts and Review Tracks
  • Teacher Feedback and Comments for Each Lesson
  • Lesson Review Quizzes
  • Voice Recording Tools to Perfect Your Pronunciation
  • And Much More!

EnglishClass101 makes it easier and more convenient to achieve your smaller strategic goals so you can quickly reach your larger overall objectives in less time and with less stress.

Exclusive Access to Inner Circle

Our Inner Circle is for members only and includes specific tips, tricks and learning hacks to help you achieve your learning goals even faster. Act now and not only will you gain instant access to the EnglishClass101 Inner Circle—you’ll also get a free bonus language learning goals list.

4. More Reasons How EnglishClass101 Podcasts Help You


englishclass101 tools

EnglishClass101’s podcasts kick the ‘boring’ and ‘useless’ out of online language learning! Our secret is to have fun while learning English, with plenty of nifty resources. For instance, our applications and software are available for use on your computer, iPhone, iPad or Android devices, so you can learn on-the-go and anywhere!

We offer over a thousand online audio and video lessons. That’s a lot! PDF downloads with notes, and mobile tools like spaced-repetition flashcards with a huge core vocabulary will give you the edge you need to excel. Our lessons are culturally relevant, so you may even get to learn important facts about the country you’re planning to work in…what a bonus!

Best of all, though, is that you get to apply your new knowledge in lively online forums and discussions. You get to practice your skills in real life with real people!

Millions of pleased users can’t be wrong. So sign up today for EnglishClass101 to help you crush your learning goals!

Without setting realistic and attainable learning objectives and goals, your larger dream of mastering English might never be realized. Specifically, strategic objectives help to reduce stress, adjust your daily routine, and make it far easier to deal with the inevitable setbacks on your way to mastering the English language. At EnglishClass101, we have made it simple and easy for you to set and attain your strategic goals so you can successfully reach the larger goal of mastering English.


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