Learn with Pictures and Video (British English)
Learn essential vocabulary and grammar with this new 25-lesson series. In each 3-minute video we'll show you a series of nouns, verbs and subjects with pictures and native pronunciation. Then we'll show you how to naturally form sentences using these words. At the end of this series, you'll know 125 of the most commonly used verbs, over 300 commonly used nouns and how to form simple sentences in British English. Make sure you're paying attention - there's a quiz at the end to test what you learned!
Lesson | Title | Topic | Function | Target sentences | Key vocabulary | Key phrases from the conversation. |
1 | Talking About Your Daily Routine in British English | Daily Activities | Talking about daily activities | The boy is waking up in the morning. The woman is brushing her teeth. The girl is washing her face. The family eats breakfast. The woman is drinking water. |
boy drink breakfast to eat family face wash girl teeth brush woman morning wake up water |
wake up in the morning brush one's teeth wash one's face eat breakfast drink water |
2 | Relaxing in the Evening with British English | Daily Activities | Talking about evening activities | The father comes home. The family is watching television. The man is having a shower in the morning. The brothers are bathing in the evening. The baby is sleeping on the blanket. |
father sleep baby evening bathe brother morning shower man television watch family home come blanket |
come home watch television have a shower bathe in a bath sleep on a blanket |
3 | Top 20 British English Verbs 1 | Common Actions | Using 20 of the most commonly used British English verbs | The woman is doing housework. The chef is making orange juice. The office workers want the doughnut. The girl really likes the puppies. The programmer is using the computer. |
woman use programmer puppy like girl doughnut want office worker orange juice make chef housework do computer |
do housework make orange juice want a doughnut like a puppy use a computer |
4 | Top 20 British English Verbs 2 | Common Actions | Using 20 more of the most commonly used British English verbs | The monkey is looking at the video camera. The man is resting in the hammock. The tourist is waiting for the train. The estate agent meets a client. The man lives in Sydney, Australia. |
monkey live client meet estate agent train wait tourist hammock rest man video camera look Sydney (Australia) |
look at a video camera rest in a hammock wait for a train meet a client live in Sydney, Australia |
5 | Top 20 British English Verbs 3 | Common Actions | Using 20 more of the most commonly used British English verbs | The man is deciding on a light bulb. The professor is explaining the diagram. The people are taking the strawberries. The woman is holding the globe. The speaker is speaking at the conference. |
man speak speaker globe hold woman strawberry take people diagram explain professor light bulb decide conference |
decide on a light bulb explain a diagram take a strawberry hold a globe speak at a conference |
6 | Top 20 British English Verbs 4 | Common Actions | Using 20 more of the most commonly used British English verbs | The woman is thinking about the answer. The people are going to Los Angeles. The girl is coming toward the video camera. The operator is talking to a customer. The car is turning left. |
woman turn car customer talk operator video camera come girl Los Angeles go people answer think left |
think about an answer go to Los Angeles come towards a video camera talk to a customer turn left |
7 | Getting Around Using British English | Transportation | Describing methods of transportation | The baby is walking on the road. The people are commuting to work in the morning. The students are taking the bus. The married couple is driving on the country road. The passengers are flying on the aeroplane. |
baby fly passenger country road drive married couple bus take student work commute people road walk aeroplane |
walk on a road commute to work take the bus drive on a country road fly on an aeroplane |
8 | British English Expressions and Words for the Classroom 1 | Classroom | Describing actions in the classroom | The teacher is teaching the class. The mother is reading to her daughter. The senior school student is writing a letter. The senior school students are studying at the library. The primary school students understand the question. |
teacher understand primary school student library study letter write senior school student daughter to read mother class (group of students) teach question |
teach a class read to one's daughter write a letter study at a library understand a question |
9 | British English Expressions and Words for the Classroom 2 | Classroom | Describing actions in the classroom | The magician is spelling the word. The boy is learning the saxophone. The students are answering the questions. The university student is asking a question. The primary school student passed the test. |
magician university student test pass answer question primary school student student saxophone learn boy word to spell ask |
spell a word learn the saxophone answer a question ask a question pass a test |
10 | Talking Technology in British English | Communication | Talking about technology | The programmer is typing an e-mail. The woman is texting on her mobile phone. The mother is phoning her daughter. The daughter is answering the mobile phone. The man is surfing the internet on the computer. |
programmer surf man answer daughter phone mother mobile phone text (verb) woman type Internet |
type an email text on a mobile phone phone one's daughter answer a mobile phone surf the internet |
11 | Powerful British English Learning Technique - Learning Through Opposites 1 | Opposite Actions | Describing actions that oppose each other | The man turns on the light. The children are turning off the switches. The boy is opening the door. The university student is closing the door. The athletes are starting the race. |
man start athlete close university student door open boy power turn (off) children light turn (on) race |
turn on a light turn off a switch open a door close a door start a race |
12 | Powerful British English Learning Technique - Learning Through Opposites 2 | Opposite Actions | Describing actions that oppose each other | The skier is finishing the race. The office worker pushes the button. The husband is pulling the sledge. The father is giving coins to the child. The man is receiving money. |
skier receive man coin give father sledge pull husband button push office worker race finish money |
finish a race push a button pull a sledge give a coin receive money |
13 | Powerful British English Learning Technique - Learning Through Opposites 3 | Opposite Actions | Describing actions that oppose each other | The sisters found some flowers. The scientist is searching for ants. The father arrives at the park. The company executive is leaving with a colleague. The surfer is sitting on the fence. |
sister sit surfer colleague leave company executive park arrive father ant search scientist flower to find fence |
find a flower search for an ant arrive at a park leave with a colleague sit on a fence |
14 | Powerful British English Learning Technique - Learning Through Opposites 4 | Opposite Actions | Describing actions that oppose each other | The lawyer is standing at the bus stop. Number 211 won the race. The player is losing the card game. The man forgot his belt. The woman remembered the number. |
lawyer woman belt forget man card game lose player race win number bus stop stand remember |
stand at a bus stop win a race lose a card game forget one's belt remember a number |
15 | Staying Fit with British English Exercises | Physical Actions | Talking about exercise | The friends are playing tennis. The woman is running on the track. The man is jumping on top of the mountain. The robot is moving its arms. The woman is swimming in the pool. |
friend swim arm move robot mountain jump man track run woman tennis play pool |
play tennis run on a track jump on top of a mountain move one's arm swim in a pool |
16 | Talk About Hobbies in British English | Recreation | Talking about hobbies | The artist is drawing a picture. The dancers are dancing on the platform. The singer is singing a song. The woman is exercising on the floor. The woman is listening to music. |
artist listen floor exercise woman song sing singer platform dance dancer picture draw music |
draw a picture dance on a platform sing a song exercise on the floor listen to music |
17 | British English Expressions That Help with the Housework 1 | House Work | Describing domestic chores | The housekeeper is cleaning the window. The woman is sweeping outside. The boy is washing the dishes. The boy is throwing out the trash. The homemaker (housewife) is vacuuming the carpet. |
housekeeper housewife hoover take out carpet dish wash boy outside sweep woman window clean rubbish |
clean a window sweep outside wash a dish take out the rubbish hoover a carpet |
18 | British English Expressions That Help with the Housework 2 | House Work | Describing domestic chores | The housekeeper is mopping the floor. The man is scrubbing the oven. The maid is making the bed in the hotel room. The woman is preparing a meal. The woman is putting away the clothes. |
housekeeper put away meal prepare woman hotel room make a bed maid oven scrub man floor mop clothes |
mop a floor scrub an oven make a bed prepare a snack put away |
19 | British English Words for the Workplace | Work | Describing actions in the workplace | The employees are working at the office. The people are attending a meeting. The entrepreneur is making a presentation in the office. The woman achieved the goal. The manager is taking a break at the desk. |
employee take a break manager goal achieve woman presentation make entrepreneur meeting attend people office work desk |
work at an office attend a meeting in the boardroom make a presentation achieve a goal take a break |
20 | Don't Shop in British English Without These Words | Shopping | Using words to improve the shopping experience | The customer is shopping at the supermarket. The couple is buying clothes. The children are selling lemonade. The man is trying on the suit. The customer is paying at the register. |
customer pay suit try on man lemonade sell children clothes buy couple supermarket shop till |
shop at a supermarket buy clothes sell lemonade try on a suit pay at the cash register |
21 | British English Recipes for Fluency | Cooking | Learning names of ingredients and describing common kitchen actions | The chef is cooking in the kitchen. The cook is frying an egg with a frying pan. The woman is baking a cake. The woman is cutting the grapefruit. The cook is barbecuing the chicken. |
chef barbecue grapefruit cut cake bake woman egg fry cook kitchen cook chicken |
cook in a kitchen fry an egg bake a cake cut a grapefruit barbecue chicken |
22 | Get Dressed -- and Undressed -- with British English | Clothing | Describing clothing | The girl is putting on the coat. The lawyer is taking off his clothes. The girl is putting on her shoe. The senior school student is tying his shoe lace. The model is putting on makeup. |
girl model shoe lace tie student shoe clothes take off lawyer coat put on makeup |
put on a coat take off clothes put on shoes tie a lace put on makeup |
23 | How to Put Feelings into British English Words | Using the 5 Senses | Expressing emotions | The farmer is touching the wheat. The tourist is tasting the insect. The students smell an odour. The boy is listening to the sound of the ocean. The tourists watch the sunset. |
farmer watch sound listen boy odour smell student insect taste tourist wheat touch sunset |
touch some wheat taste something smell an odour listen to a sound watch a sunset |
24 | 5 Must-Know British English Words 1 | Common Actions | Using five indispensable words | The ducklings are following the mother duck. The saleswoman is showing jewellery. The people are saying "Hello." The girl has a piggy bank. The caterpillar is becoming a butterfly. |
follow become caterpillar piggy bank (money) have girl hello say people jewellery show saleswoman duck duckling butterfly |
follow mother duck show jewellery say "Hello" have a piggy bank become a butterfly |
25 | 5 More Must-Know British English Words 2 | Common Actions | Using five more indispensable words | The man loves the woman. The couple is laughing at the picture. The woman is worried about the bill. The sons are helping their mother. The woman is smiling at you. |
man smile mother help son bill worry joke laugh couple woman love you |
love a woman laugh at a picture worry about a bill help one's mother smile at you |