Lesson Transcript

Hi, everybody. Welcome back to "Top Words." My name is Alisha. And, in this episode, we're going to talk about 15 words for daily life-related actions.
Okay. The first word is "rest," rest. To "rest" refers to giving your body a chance to re-energize, to recover. So, you can use "rest" to talk about the time when you are sleeping, of course, and regaining your energy. You can also use it to talk about times when you're relaxing or just enjoying your day, enjoying your hobbies. The idea with resting is that you're not doing something that takes a lot of energy. For example, "The gorilla is resting in the grass." So, in this sentence, the subject of the sentence, "the gorilla," is just enjoying his or her time in the grass, not doing anything that uses a lot of energy. So, you can use this to talk about times when you are just relaxing. Like, "Oh! I'm just resting today."
Okay. The next word is "dream," dream. To "dream" means to imagine something. We use "dream" when we talk about the images that we see in our brain at night when we're sleeping. You can talk about those things with the verb "dream." Like, "Last night, I dreamed that I could fly." You might also hear people saying, "Last night, I dreamt that I could fly." You might hear a couple of different ways of expressing that in past tense. But, when you want to talk about those things that you see in your sleep at night, you can use this verb, "I dreamed" or "I dreamt" something.
The next word is "cook," cook. "Cook" is a very common verb, of course. We use cook when we want to talk about making food. The difference between "cook" and "mix," for example is that with "cook," we use heat. We're using some kind of heat or temperature change to prepare food. When we use a word like "mix" or "blend," we're talking about combining ingredients together. So, you can use "cook" to talk about preparing food with heat in your kitchen. For example, "The chef cooked in the kitchen."
Okay. Next is "use a computer," use a computer. You can use this phrase anytime you sit down at your computer and start to work, or start to study, or just want to explore something on the internet. We use "use the computer" to talk about anything that involves the computer, anything related to the computer. For example, "I use the computer to talk to my friends."
Okay. The next word is "return," return. To "return" means to come back to a place you were at before. You might hear "return," "come back," and "go back" used. They all refer to going to a place you were at originally and then coming back to that place after going somewhere else. For example, "The father returned home in the evening." You might also hear, "The father came back home in the evening," or even just, "The father came home in the evening." You can use "return" to mean to go back to an original location.
Okay. Next is "do housework," do housework. So, "housework" refers to all those small jobs in your house. Like cleaning the dishes, washing the dishes, or doing laundry, washing your clothes, cleaning your room, and so on. So, all of that is called "housework." When you want to talk about that you can say, "do housework." For example, "My sister needs to do a little housework."
Next is "bathe," bathe. So, "bathe" is a verb. It means to clean your body. So, you can use this to talk about taking a shower or taking a bath. Please note, "bathe" and "bath" have separate pronunciations. The pronunciations are different. We can't say, "take a bathe," for example. It's incorrect. But, you can say for example, "The brothers bathed in the bathtub." This means the brothers cleaned their bodies in the bathtub. So, when you want to talk about cleaning your body, you can use this word. Or, you can say, "I took a shower," or "took a bath."
Okay. Next is "read the paper," read the paper. So, "read the paper" refers to reading a physical newspaper. So, you could say "read the newspaper," if you wanted to. So, to "read the paper" means to read the news for the day. You might also "read the paper" on the internet these days, too. But, if you see someone reading a physical newspaper, you could say, "The man is reading a newspaper."
Okay. Next is "sleep," sleep. We use the verb "sleep" when we want to talk about resting for a long time at the end of the day. So, we often use this with other verbs. For example, "I'm going to go to sleep," or "He went to sleep," and so on. For example, you could say, "You should sleep at least eight hours every night." This refers to getting enough rest each day.
Okay. The next expression is "wake up," wake up. So, "wake up" refers to opening your eyes in the morning after you sleep. So, "wake up" is different from "get up." And that "wake up" means your brain becomes awake, your eyes open. When you "get up," you leave your bed or the place where you sleep. For example, "I wake up every morning at six o'clock."
Next is "go out," go out. You can use "go out" in a lot of different situations. Generally, "go out" means to leave your house. To "go out" of your house and go somewhere. So, you can use "go out" to mean to go to work. You could use it to mean to go to school or to do something related to your hobbies, to go shopping, whatever. For example, "I plan to go out in the afternoon today."
Next is "eat," eat. So, "eat" is of course a very important verb. "Eat" means to consume food, to put food into your body and use it to make energy for your body. For example, "The children are eating watermelon." We use this for all meals, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, for snacks, whatever. Anything solid, we can use "eat" to describe that when we put it into our bodies.
Next is "shopping," shopping. So, we use "shopping," typically with a verb like "go." Like, "I'm going to go shopping." "Shopping" refers to buying things that you need for your home, or maybe just buying things that you want. You could say, "I went shopping with a friend yesterday." That kind of expression sounds like you did something just for fun. You could also say, "I'm going shopping for groceries. Do you need anything?" So, "shopping" refers to buying things.
Okay. Next is "shower," shower. Earlier we talked about the verb "bathe," which means to clean your body. To "shower" refers to bathing, yes. But, specifically, to standing up in the bathtub or in another cleaning area of your home, and letting the water come over the top of your head. For example, "The man showered in the morning." Again, this is different from taking a bath, where you clean your body as you sit in some water.
Okay. Next is "work," work. To "work" means to do something in exchange for money. So, many people go to an office and do an office job in exchange for money. Maybe other people provide services, or other people sell things in exchange for money. There are lots of different jobs and many different types of work. We can use this as a noun or a verb. For example, "Some programmers work from home, so they don't have to commute to work."
Alright. That brings us to the end of 15 words for daily life-related actions. What did you think? You can let us know in the comments. Thanks very much for watching, and I'll see you in the next video. Bye.


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