Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Oh no. Alright, welcome back to Weekly Words. My name is Alisha, and this week we are
going to talk about commonly used onomatopoeia. This is going to be a fun one. We talked
briefly about an onomatopoeia, “zoom,” in a previous episode of Weekly Words. We’re going to talk some more about some more. Talk some more about some more. We're going to talk about more.
Today the first rate is “beep.” Oh, “beep.” “Beep” is any kind of “electronic sound or a car sound.” It was also in a popular American cartoon. Wile E Coyote and the Road Runner. The Road Runner would commonly say, “Beep, beep.” Car sound will usually make a “beep” or “honk” sound. For electronics, however, the “beep” becomes a little bit more robotic. We’ll often see like “beeeeeep.” Beep-oo-buh-beep. So in a sentence, let’s say you have a computer problem. You tell your friend, “The computer won't stop beeping at me. What do I do?”
Next is the sound “jingle.” “Jingle” is any kind of “light ringing sound.” This word gets used a lot uh in holiday seasons, particularly, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year’s. Any jingling sound is very commonly assigned to bells, like the song “Jingle Bells,” for example, is a perfect example of this. “Jingle” is just the sound that a bell makes. In a sentence, let's see, you might say, “She has a small bell attached to her phone, so she jingles everywhere she walks.” It's really irritating. K.
The next word is “thump.” A “thump” is for something to “hit heavily.” To give an example, “The people who live in the apartment above me often thump on the floor.” It sounds like maybe they're dropping something heavy or they're stepping very heavily.
Alright. Next is “splash.” Anything that falls into liquid, lands in liquid, makes a “splash.” It’s that “psh” sort of sound that comes from water or any other liquid really. We refer to that as a “splash” sound. There is also popular Tom Hanks merman movie called “Splash.” This has nothing to do with it. It’s about him falling in love with a mermaid. “I made a big splash when I jumped into the swimming pool this summer.” That one has kind of a double meaning. Mm, mysterious.
Next is “blurt.” It means “to say something quickly.” “I blurted out the news as soon as I heard it.” “I blurted out the secret! I couldn't hold it any longer.” It means you just say something without thinking, to “blurt.” The first part of the word, that “blur” sound, it sounds like something, it just kind of, sort of slips out on accident, and then the harsh “t,” that “T” at the end is like a kinda final like, oh, my gosh, I just said something. I’ve slipped, and then I've said something. Oh no, I didn't think about that.
Alright that's the end of that one, so I hope you learned a few new onomatopoeias that you can try out next time. Thanks for joining us for Weekly Words, and I will see you again next time. Bye-bye.

