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Beginner Season 1, Lesson 19 - He Was Drinking So Much Water!
Chihiro: Chihiro here. Beginner series, season one, lesson nineteen. “He was Drinking So Much Water!” Hello and welcome to beginner series, season one at EnglishClass101.com, where we study modern English in a fun, educational format.
Daniel: So brush up on the English that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Chihiro: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Daniel, what are we looking at in this lesson?
Daniel: In this lesson, you will review about sentences with two verbs.
Chihiro: This conversation takes place near the Innovative University campus, IU.
Daniel: The conversation is between Naomi, Vicky and Oksanna.
Chihiro: The speakers are friends, therefore the speakers will be speaking informally
Daniel: This lesson is lesson nineteen of the beginner series, season one.
Chihiro: You can find the rest of the lessons at EnglishClass101.com. Let’s listen to the conversation.
Naomi: Did you see the look on Marco's face? He was drinking so much water…I thought he was never going to stop!
Oksana: That was SO funny!! He just didn't stop drinking! I thought he was going to drink straight from the tap for a second!
Vicky: He probably would have if there were one nearby! That was such a great idea, Naomi. You really are the mastermind!
Naomi: …And you really are the actress! You should consider a career in acting, you know.
Oksana: And I was really the laugher! I'm glad he saw us through his watering eyes. That should show him not to date so many girls at once…well, at least girls who know each other!
Vicky: Definitely…this might cool him off for a while…ironically!
Naomi: And probably teach him to chew his pizza better. If he hadn't eaten it in two bites, he would have at least saved himself some trouble…or maybe it wouldn't have made a difference since I put so much chili powder on it!
Oksana: You're really not one to mess with!
Vicky: Hey, by the way, "Attraction" isn't showing in theaters anymore. There's a new movie called "Wicked." I think it came out just yesterday. Have you guys heard of it?
Naomi: Hey, sounds like the perfect movie to watch tonight. Are you both in?
Oksana: Sure, I'm in!
Vicky: Yeah, let's go! But how about we go get some pizza to eat first…
Daniel: Sounds like they enjoyed getting back at Marco!
Chihiro: Yeah it does! Pranks such as the one Oksana, Naomi and Vicky played on Marco are common among college students, most of them being harmless.
Daniel: I agree, because everyone likes a good laugh.
Chihiro: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Daniel: tap [natural native speed]
Chihiro: device with a spout and valve that controls the flow of water
Daniel: tap [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Daniel: tap [natural native speed]
mastermind [natural native speed]
Chihiro: person who comes up with the idea of a plan or project mastermind [slowly - broken down by syllable] mastermind [natural native speed]
Daniel: career [natural native speed]
Chihiro: occupation or profession that may require special training
Daniel: career [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Daniel: career [natural native speed]
to date [natural native speed]
Chihiro: to do an activity with someone with a possibility of a romantic relationship
to date [slowly - broken down by syllable] to date [natural native speed]
Daniel: ironically [natural native speed]
Chihiro: in an unexpected or coincidental manner
Daniel: ironically [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Daniel: ironically [natural native speed]
bite [natural native speed]
Chihiro: cut off or pierce with teeth
bite [slowly - broken down by syllable] bite [natural native speed]
Daniel: wicked [natural native speed]
Chihiro: morally wrong, evil
Daniel: wicked [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Daniel: wicked [natural native speed]
definitely [natural native speed]
Chihiro: absolutely, surely, will certainly happen or is certainly true
definitely [slowly - broken down by syllable] definitely [natural native speed]
Daniel: to cool off [natural native speed]
Chihiro: to lose interest or enthusiasm
Daniel: to cool off [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Daniel: to cool off [natural native speed]
to chew [natural native speed]
Chihiro: to grind with teeth
to chew [slowly - broken down by syllable] to chew [natural native speed]
Chihiro: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Daniel: The first phrase we’ll look at is, “Not one to mess with.” Oksana says this phrase to Naomi while they are talking about how they got back at Marco. She means that Naomi is not the kind of person anybody would want to upset or make angry, because of how she can react to situations. Just to be clear, Chihiro, can you give us another example?
Chihiro: Sure. If somebody says, “Wow, he's a really tough guy, he's not one to mess with,”
Daniel: It means that the guy the person is talking about is a really tough guy that nobody would want to upset.
Chihiro: Good, now on to the next phrase, which is “I'm in.” Oksana says this when she agrees to go to the theater with the other two. It's a friendly way to say that the person wants to take part or participate in whatever is going to take place. Daniel, give us another example.
Daniel: OK, Well, when a person asks, “Who wants to go to the concert with me?” and some people yell out “I'm in,” it means...
Chihiro: It means that those people want to go to the concert as well.

Lesson focus

Chihiro: Okay, Daniel, what's the focus of this lesson?
Daniel: This lesson is about auxiliary verbs as in the sentence, “He just didn't stop drinking.”
Chihiro: Throughout this series you have learned about different formations of verbs in different tenses. As you can see, these formations often require two verbs, the main verb to show the core action, and the helping verb to show the tense and aspect. This helping verb is called the auxiliary verb. In this lesson, we will look at 3 examples of auxiliary verbs.
Daniel: In the dialogue, Naomi opens with,
Chihiro: “Did you see the look on Marco's face?”
Daniel: As you can see in this question, the main verb is “see”, but it needs the help of the verb “do” in order to structure the question. The auxiliary “do” shows the tense of the verb which is “did”, the past tense, and the main verb stays in the base, dictionary form. When we form yes/no questions that show action, “do” shows either past or present tense.
Chihiro: Okay, next, let's take a look at the sentence
Daniel: “He was drinking so much water!”
Chihiro: Here we have a sentence in the past progressive form. The main verb is “drink” in the progressive aspect which is “drinking” and the helping verb is “be” in the past form, which is “was”. Therefore, we can see that the “be” verb is the auxiliary verb here since it is not the main verb in question, but is showing the past tense and helps show the progressive aspect. When we use the progressive aspect, the auxiliary “be” -verb is used to show the tense. See Beginner Series, Season 1, Lesson 7 for more on the progressive aspect.
Daniel: The last auxiliary verb we will look at today is in the sentence..
Chihiro: “Have you guys heard of it?”
Daniel: In this sentence, you can see that the verb “hear” is in the perfect form, “heard” which is the main verb. The helping verb that is needed to form the question in this case is “have”. “Have” shows the present tense and helps show the perfect aspect. When we need the perfect aspect, the auxiliary “have” -verb is used to show the tense. See Beginner Series, Season 1, Lesson 8 for more on the perfect aspect.
Chihiro: There are other uses of auxiliaries in English, and we will look at them more in future lessons.
Daniel: But these three are enough for today.


Chihiro: That just about does it for today. OK, some of our listeners already know about the most powerful tool on EnglishClass101.com. Line by line audio.
Daniel: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension by listening to lines of the conversation again and again..
Chihiro: listen until every word and syllable becomes clear.
Basically, we break down the dialogue into comprehensible, bite-size sentences.
Daniel: You can try the line by line audio in the premium learning center at EnglishClass101.com
Chihiro: See you guys later.
Daniel: Bye.

