Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Keith: Hi, I’m Keith.
Sadia: Hey and I’m Sadia. Keith, when's the last time you borrowed a book from the
Keith: That’s a good question. I mean, I have a library card-- I'm a fan of my local library , but I can't really remember the last time I borrowed a book.
Sadia: Well, I borrowed one the other day, but it felt... like I was on a mission to the past or something! I mean, it just seems that libraries are falling out of fashion, right?
Keith: Yeah, definitely. They're nowhere near as popular as they were when we were kids.
Sadia: Yeah, definitely. And I fear, because I like books, I fear they might disappear forever, with all this new book-reading technology.
Keith: Yeah, that’s a good point. First, there were audiobooks-- or, books read aloud on tapes or CDs.
Sadia: Then there were, like, eBooks-- or, electronic books.
Keith: eBooks, and actually those are still around.
Sadia: Yeah, they are. Usually, I think if you sign up to be on the mailing list of a website, they might send you like a free eBook or something -- and an eBook is a book you can download onto your computer, usually as a PDF file.
Keith: Yup.
Sadia: Today, there’s... The Kindle!
Keith: The Kindle! And this thing is crazy!
Sadia: It is crazy! Have you guys heard of the Kindle? Kindle is a new device that was created by Amazon.com -- the online book-selling giant. I hate to make this sound like a Kindle commercial, but I think this thing might change the way we read!
Keith: It does sound like a commercial, but I think you might be right about that. It's shaped like
a book, the Kindle, but is lighter and thinner than a book. It's a kind of an e-book reader-- or, electronic book reader, right?
Sadia: And it’s really small, I heard that its kinda thin, and lightweight. The crazy part about it though is that you don’t have to connect it to your computer. You just buy new books-- or new titles-- wirelessly on some special network, and they're just delivered to the Kindle in less than a minute I think.
Keith: So, it’s basically like a mini computer—a small computer— that’s meant for reading. You just download books right to your Kindle
Sadia: Newspapers and blogs too I think. So if this things becomes popular enough, it just
might just change the way we buy and read books.
Keith: Or, you know what, we might not even buy books at all!
Sadia: Mm, definitely. What do you say, readers-- will e-book readers like the Kindle make books as we know them, with paper, obsolete?
Keith: I don’t think so, but why don’t you let us know. Leave us a comment and let us know what you think!
Keith: Let's take a look at some of the vocabulary for this Buzzword lesson.
Sadia: library [natural native speed]
Keith: library [natural native speed]
Sadia: a place where books are kept for use but not for sale
Keith: library [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sadia: library [natural native speed]
Keith: library card [natural native speed]
Sadia: library card [natural native speed]
Keith: a card used to borrow books from a library
Sadia: library card [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Keith: library card [natural native speed]
Sadia: e-book [natural native speed]
Keith: e-book [natural native speed]
Sadia: an electronic book
Keith: e-book [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sadia: e-book [natural native speed]
Keith: electronic [natural native speed]
Sadia: electronic [natural native speed]
Keith: created on or using a computer
Sadia: electronic [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Keith: electronic [natural native speed]
Sadia: wireless [natural native speed]
Keith: wireless [natural native speed]
Sadia: without the use of wires
Keith: wireless [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sadia: wireless [natural native speed]
Keith: mini [natural native speed]
Sadia: mini [natural native speed]
Keith: short for miniature; very small
Sadia: mini [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Keith: mini [natural native speed]
Sadia: forever [natural native speed]
Keith: forever [natural native speed]
Sadia: for all time; for a limitless time
Keith: forever [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sadia: forever [natural native speed]
Keith: to connect [natural native speed]
Sadia: to connect [natural native speed]
Keith: to become joined
Sadia: to connect [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Keith: to connect [natural native speed]
Sadia: to buy [natural native speed]
Keith: to buy [natural native speed]
Sadia: to purchase with money
Keith: to buy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Sadia: to buy [natural native speed]
Keith: thin [natural native speed]
Sadia: thin [natural native speed]
Keith: not dense; not fat
Sadia: thin [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Keith: thin [natural native speed]

