Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi everybody, my name is Alisha.
Welcome to the 2000 Core English Words and Phrases video series.
Each lesson will help you learn new words, practice, and review what you've learned.
Okay, let's get started.
First is...
runny nose
A runny nose is a very common problem when you have a cold. It feels like water is going to come out of your nose all the time.
Here's an example: have a runny nose
Dizzy is an adjective. It describes how we feel when it feels like the world is tilting and moving around us. We feel like we're spinning, and it's hard to feel a sense of balance in our body.
Here's an example: I feel dizzy.
stuffy nose
A stuffy nose is the opposite of a runny nose. When you have a runny nose, it feels like water is going to come out of your nose. When you have a stuffy nose, it feels like your nose is stopped completely. You can't breathe through it, and nothing goes in or out.
Here's an example: medicine for a stuffy nose
Volleyball is a very popular team sport. It's played in two groups. There's one group on one side of the net and another group on another side of the net. Each team has to volley the ball using this motion or this motion or this motion across the net and to the other team members.
Here's an example: play volleyball
Golf is a very popular sport played in very, very big beautiful landscape settings. You play golf by hitting a golf club at a small white ball and trying to move the ball into a hole very far away.
Here's an example: play golf
Boxing is a very intense sport where two opponents fight each other. They wear big, big boxing gloves and try to win a fight in boxing.
Here's an example: boxing ring
The word "travel" means to go somewhere. We can travel for work, we can travel for fun, we can travel for emergency purposes. Also, to travel means to go somewhere else.
Here's an example: travel with luggage
Okay, the word "graduate" means to finish a course of study. So we usually use this word when we talk about finishing high school or finishing college or university classes.
Here's an example: I'm glad that I somehow managed to graduate.
To move can have a couple of different meanings. We can use it to talk about our body motions. We also use this verb to talk about changing your residence, changing the place where you live. We use the verb "move" to talk about going to a new place to live.
Here's an example: We've moved into an apartment.
New Delhi
New Delhi is a very big city in the country of India.
Here's an example: New Delhi, India.
Let's review. I'm going to describe a word or phrase in English. See if you can remember it, then repeat after me, focusing on pronunciation. Ready?
Do you remember how to say the word that refers to a medical condition when it feels like water is going to come out of your nose?
runny nose
And how about the words we use to talk about the feeling when you feel that you're not in balance, you feel the world is moving or shifting?
What about the words we use to talk about the feeling when your nose is stuck, nothing can go in or out?
stuffy nose
Do you remember how to say the sport that's played with two teams on opposite sides of a net and using these three motions?
Let's try the sport that's played on beautiful landscaped settings with a club and a small white ball.
What about the sport that's played by fighting another person with giant gloves on each hand?
Now let's see if you remember how to say moving from one place to another.
Another one, what about the word we use to talk about finishing a course of study?
Do you remember how to say changing the place where you live from one place to a new place?
And finally, do you remember how to say the name of a very big city in India?
New Delhi
Well done! See you next time. Bye!

