
Vocabulary (Review)

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Imagine you're being quizzed on your future plans. How do you respond?
Hi. Alisha here.
Discussing future plans in English is easy. In this lesson, you'll learn how.
Gustavo and George are catching up at a restaurant.
Let's watch!
George: So Gustavo, when will your family be here?
Gustavo: Luiza's going to bring the kids on Friday.
George: And what are they going to do when they get here?
Gustavo: Luiza's going to keep writing. She also plans on starting a blog about American culture.
George: Sounds interesting. How about the kids?
Gustavo: Sofia's going to go to an international school. Half of the classes will be in Portuguese, George: and the other half in English.
Gustavo: She's young, so she'll learn English easily.
George: Yeah, but Lucas is going to go to a regular high school.
Gustavo: Could be tough for him. Will he be okay?
George: We think so. He's been studying English a lot at home. But it will be pretty difficult at the beginning, I think...
Now, with Subtitle!
George: So Gustavo, when will your family be here?
Gustavo: Luiza's going to bring the kids on Friday.
George: And what are they going to do when they get here?
Gustavo: Luiza's going to keep writing. She also plans on starting a blog about American culture.
George: Sounds interesting. How about the kids?
Gustavo: Sofia's going to go to an international school. Half of the classes will be in Portuguese, George: and the other half in English.
Gustavo: She's young, so she'll learn English easily.
George: Yeah, but Lucas is going to go to a regular high school.
Gustavo: Could be tough for him. Will he be okay?
George: We think so. He's been studying English a lot at home. But it will be pretty difficult at the beginning, I think...
Here are the keywords from the scene.
Brandon: kids (slow) kids
Brandon: blog (slow) blog
Brandon: interesting (slow) interesting
Brandon: easily (slow) easily
Brandon: tough (slow) tough
Brandon: difficult (slow) difficult
Brandon: when (slow) when
Brandon: family (slow) family
Brandon: to bring (slow) to bring
Brandon: Friday (slow) Friday
Brandon: how about (slow) how about
Brandon: young (slow) young
Brandon: to learn (slow) to learn
Brandon: to study (slow) to study
Brandon: home (slow) home
Phrase and Usage
Here are the key phrases from the scene.
Alisha: In the scene, how does George respond when Gustavo tells him about Luiza's plan to start a blog about American culture?
George: Sounds interesting.
Alisha: First is the word
Brandon: sounds
Alisha: Next is the word
Brandon: interesting
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: Sounds interesting.
Alisha: This phrase can be used as a response anytime someone tells you about his or her plans, ideas, news, or anything you find interesting. You try! Say George's line after Gustavo tells him about Luiza's plans.
(freeze action, cue for viewer to speak)
Brandon: Sounds interesting.
Alisha: In the scene, how did George express his concern that regular high school might be difficult for Lucas?
George: Could be tough for him.
Alisha: First is the phrase
Brandon: could be
Alisha: Next is the word
Brandon: tough
Alisha: Last is the phrase
Brandon: for him
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: Could be tough for him.
Alisha: This phrase is used to express concern for someone who will encounter a difficult situation in the near future. Now you try! Say George's line when expresses concern about Lucas' new high school.
(freeze action, cue for viewer to speak)
Brandon: Could be tough for him.
Alisha: In the scene, what question does George ask after he expresses his concern for Lucas' tough situation?
George: Will he be okay?
Alisha: First is the phrase
Brandon: will he
Alisha: Next is the phrase
Brandon: be okay
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: Will he be okay?
Alisha: This question is useful for asking someone if they think a difficult situation in the future will turn out alright. You try! Say George's line when he asks Gustavo if Lucas will be alright at his new school.
(freeze action, cue for viewer to speak)
Brandon: Will he be okay?
Alisha: In the scene, how does Gustavo respond to George's question expressing concern about Lucas?
Gustavo: We think so.
Alisha: First is the word
Brandon: We
Alisha: Next is the phrase
Brandon: think so
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: We think so.
Alisha: This phrase is a short way of expressing that you, and others involved, think the difficult situation will most likely be manageable. You try! Say Gustavo's line in response to George's question.
(freeze action, cue for viewer to speak)
Brandon: We think so.
Alisha: Now, the lesson focus. Do you remember how George asks Gustavo what his family members will do when they arrive to the US?
George: What are they going to do when they get here?
Alisha: First is the phrase
Brandon: What are
Alisha: Next is the word
Brandon: they
Alisha: After this is the phrase
Brandon: going to do
Alisha: And last is the phrase
Brandon: when they get here
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: What are they going to do when they get here?
Alisha: This sentence is useful when you want to ask about what someone is going to do after they come to a place. For more than one person, the structure is
Alisha: What are they going to do when they get here?
The structure when asking about one person is
What is [Brandon: he or she] going to do when [Brandon: he or she] gets here?
Alisha: Now you try! Imagine your friend's brother is moving to your town. How do you ask about his plans after that?
Brandon: What is he going to do when he gets here?
Alisha: Now imagine that you want to ask a friend what her sisters are going to do when she says they're coming over to her house?
Brandon: What are they going to do when they get here?
Alisha: Do you remember how Gustavo explained Luiza's future plans?
Gustavo: Luiza's going to keep writing.
Alisha: First is a contraction of "Luiza" and "is"
Brandon: Luiza's
Alisha: Next is the phrase
Brandon: going to
Alisha: After this is the word
Brandon: keep
Alisha: And last is the word
Brandon: writing
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: Luiza's going to keep writing.
Alisha: In other words, Luiza currently spends her time writing, and will continue to do so in the future.
The sentence structure is
[Brandon: A person plus] is going to keep [plus a word ending in 'ing']
Alisha: Now you try! Your friend, Dan, has reached the age of retirement but he is going to continue to work. How would you respond to someone if they asked about Dan's future plans?
Brandon: Dan's going to keep working.
Alisha: Now, imagine you are talking to your mother about your brother. You tell her that your brother was rejected from another job he applied for. How would you tell her that he will continue applying?
Brandon: He's going to keep applying.
Alisha: Do you remember what else Gustavo said about Luiza's future plans?
Gustavo: She also plans on starting a blog.
Alisha: First is the word
Brandon: she
Alisha: Next is the word
Brandon: also
Alisha: After this is the phrase
Brandon: plans on
Alisha: and last is the phrase
Brandon: starting a blog.
Alisha: Together it's
Brandon: She also plans on starting a blog.
Alisha: You can adapt this sentence when you want to elaborate on a person's future plans. The structure is
[Brandon: A person plus] also plans on [plus a word ending in ing plus additional information]
Now you try! Imagine you want to tell someone that your friend Dan is also going to learn Chinese
Brandon: Dan also plans on learning Chinese.
Alisha: Now, imagine that your brother is also going to work part-time while he continues to apply to jobs. How would you explain this to your mother?
Brandon: He also plans on working part-time.
Alisha: Let's practice! This is your chance to try discussing future plans in English. Try to remember what you learned and practice speaking!
You're talking with a friend about your friends' plans to move to your city. Answer his question by saying that your friend Luiza will continue to write after she arrives.
George: What are they going to do when they get here?
(5 second pause)
Brandon: Luiza's going to keep writing.
Alisha: How would you explain that Luiza also plans to start a blog
(5 second pause)
Brandon: She also plans on starting a blog.
Alisha: Your friend tells you his plan to start his own business. How might you respond to this news?
(5 second pause)
Brandon: Sounds interesting.
Alisha: Great job! You've just discussed future plans in English. These structures are very useful, so be sure to keep practicing!


Well done.
Now, watch the scene one more time. After that,
go and practice with all your American friends — or with us in the comments!

