Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sing me your favorite song.
Translate for me as you go along.
So I can better understand.
How you want to be loved.
How you want to be loved.
Living it up, you came in on a high tide.
Calling to court all my fears.
Letting it go, this wild untried emotion.
Say it loud and say it clear.
But you know we could talk from dusk until dawn.
And everything in my world would make sense.
Rewind the night, let’s get lost form dusk until dawn.
Pause it here in the perfect tense.
Sing me your favorite song.
Translate for me as you go along.
So I can better understand.
How you want to be loved.
How you want to be loved.
Repeat it for me one more time now.
Make it as slow as you dare.
Word by word, interpreting this emotion.
Share as much dear as you care.
But you know we could talk from dusk until dawn.
And everything in my world would make sense.
Rewind the night, let’s get lost form dusk until dawn.
Pause it here in the perfect tense.
Sing me your favorite song.
Translate for me as you go along.
So I can better understand.
How you want to be loved.
How you want to be loved.
How you want to be loved.
How you want to be loved.
How you want to be loved.

