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In this lesson, we'll learn about a place crucial to your travels in this modern age - the Internet café! Normally, you find Internet cafés in the big main cities. However, if you are in a very small town, there is a possibility the town isn't connected to the World Wide Web. Don't be scared to try to go back and get used to the old standards of communication.
But, for this lesson, let's imagine you're at the reception and you need to ask how much the connection is and for how long. You would ask, Excuse me, how much is it per hour? Let's break it down. We have our usual excuse me to get the person's attention. Then we have to ask the price, so it's how much is as we have learned, and then per hour for how long. So all together we have - Excuse me, how much is it per hour?
The person may answer, It's $4.00 an hour. It's is a contraction of it and is, $4.00 is the price, and an hour, is how much time you have. Once again, that's It's $4.00 an hour.
However, with phones being prominent tools for Internet connection, perhaps you can find a network around a major city. Sometimes these Wi-Fi signals are free. Sometimes you have to pay. Sometimes you just have to buy a cup of coffee at a café to get the password.
Okay, now to close out today's lesson, we'd like you to practice what you've just learned. I'll say the phrase or sentence, and why don't you try saying it out loud? Good luck everybody!
- Excuse me, how much is it per hour?
- It's $4.00 an hour.
All right, that's going to do it for today! See you all soon!


Please to leave a comment.
2011-05-23 18:30:00

Do you use Internet cafes?

2019-12-19 18:29:28

Hello Ventsislav,

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

It's always great to hear from our students.

Feel free to shoot through any questions you have throughout your studies.



Team EnglishClass101.com

2019-12-13 17:41:55

Excuse me how much is it per hour?

- It's 4 dollars an hour.

2019-10-28 12:15:02

Hello Pablo,

Thank you for your post.

I agree, the internet in coffee shops is very price effective and useful! I hope you enjoy your studies working away in Starbucks!

Feel free to shoot through any questions you have.



Team EnglishClass101.com

Pablo José Morales
2019-10-17 03:00:05

I prefer to visit an Starbucks. Internet is free, and I can buy a coffee for the price of an hour in an Internet cafe

2019-10-13 12:17:12

Hi there @Linda, @Farzana, @Murali and @Reza,

You are welcome! So pleased you are enjoying our lessons and our site.❤️️

Thanks for taking the time to post.👍

Please let us know if you ever have any questions throughout your studies, we would be happy to assist.



Team EnglishClass101.com

2019-10-12 06:35:46

Thank you

2019-10-11 20:27:45

I m new here.i found this app really amazing

2019-10-11 16:02:36

internet cafes is very useful to English learners, it's very easy to understand. Thank you for this audio.

2019-10-10 18:47:25

Hi. Im from Bangladesh ,

I am a new here .

Thanks for your efforts

2018-03-22 03:14:30

Hello Hogan Zhang,

Thank you for your kind feedback. 😄 Also, good points; both internet and wallets are very important.👍

Let us know if you have any questions.



Team EnglishClass101.com

Hogan Zhang
2018-03-02 12:33:41

Perfect! It's very useful for me to travel the world. The internet network is the most important thing in modern life. Of course, the wallet is also important?

2017-06-07 01:09:58

Hi Leviosa,

Great to have you here!

Please stay tuned, as we'll have new lessons for you every week! And if you have any questions, feel free to ask us.


Team Englishclass101.com

2017-06-04 23:19:08

Thank you very much!

2014-03-10 16:53:43

Hi Kyle,

I would recommend being specific with your question. "Excuse me, how much is the Wi-Fi per hour?"

And you're right, Wi-Fi is not every where, but at a lot of restaurants, libraries, schools, and sometimes malls you can find free Wi-Fi. :)

Keep studying!


Team EnglishClass101.com

2014-03-06 14:21:47

Excuse me, how much is it per hour?

It's $4 an hour.

Can we ask this question in reception directly? How they know we are asking the wi-fi or other things? Before I came to US, some people said that there are many free wi-fi everywhere. But it's not true. :disappointed:

2013-05-08 16:47:24

Dear Peter,

Internet cafes are a great way to learn on your travels!

Kind regards,


Team EnglishClass101.com

2013-05-05 21:49:21

Normally when I travelled I used to connect via Wi-Fi at the Hotel o Internet cafe
