Vocabulary (Review)

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In this video, you'll learn 20 of the most common words and phrases in English.
Hi everybody, my name is Alisha.
Welcome to The 800 Core English Words and Phrases video series!
This series will teach you the eight hundred most common words and phrases in English.
Ok! Let's get started! First is…
We use the verb help in emergency situations and we also use it when someone gives us their assistance.
Thank you for your help!
We use the verb learn to describe our studies. Keep in mind when we use this in past tense, it refers to something we have completed.
Learn something new.
So the verb move refers to any kind of action that's moving from one direction to another;
we also use this verb to talk about moving from one house to another house.
The alligators are slowly moving through the water.
Seventeen is the number that comes after sixteen.
His daughter is seventeen years old.
Eighteen is the number after seventeen.
This number has special importance in the USA because it's the age at which people get the right to vote.
He's eighteen years old.
Nineteen is the number after eighteen and before twenty.
There are nineteen books here.
So twenty is the number after nineteen.
He has been my friend for twenty years.
So your neck is this part of the body; the part of the body between your head and your shoulders.
I've got a pain in my neck.
So the face is this part of the body. Your face includes your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your cheeks; this is all your face.
Can you show me your funniest face?
The ear is the part of the body that we use to hear. We have two ears.
I have two ears.
So hair is anything on the body that's similar to this. It can be long hair, it can be short hair.
We also use the same word to talk about hair on an animal.
The woman has black hair.
Mountain is a large part of the landscape, often that has snow at the top.
Keep in mind when you pronounce this word in fast speech, it sounds like mountain, the T sound is reduced.
The little town was nestled in the mountains.
So the beach is the area where the land meets the ocean. You might hear people talking about doing activities at the beach, which refers to the general location,
or on the beach, which refers to activities on the surface of the beach.
There's a lifeguard at the beach.
So a rainforest is different from just a forest because a rainforest is a forest in a very humid or a very tropical location.
Thailand has many rainforests.
An island is a portion of land or a piece of land that is completely surrounded by water.
So like japan, is an island.
An island is surrounded by water.
A dictionary is a very large book or online it's a resource that you can use to check the meanings of words.
I bought this dictionary for you.
The color blue is a very basic color. We commonly associate the color blue with things that are cold or cool.
The sky is bright blue.
The color yellow is very bright and we associate this with cheerful feelings.
Hanna has a yellow hat.
So the color orange is another very bright color. You may also know the fruit called an orange, it is orange in color.
Red mixed with yellow becomes orange.
So color can be used as a noun and as a verb; in this case, we're going to talk about it as a noun which refers to any type of color.
I got the wrong color.
Well done! In this lesson, you expanded your vocabulary and learned 20 new useful words.
See you next time! Bye-bye!

